Goddesses for every calculate
Sunday Sunne, Frau Sonne, Aditi, Amaterasu, Arinna, Izanami, OchumareMonday Luna, Selene, Diana, Re, Gealach, Ida, Artemis, Yemaya, ErzulieTuesday Pingalla, Anna, Aine, Danu, Yngona, Bellona, Aida Wedo, Sun WomanWednesday Isis, Demeter, Ceres, Spider Woman, Bona Dea, Oya, Devi-Kali, Hella, Rhiannon, CoatliqueThursday Juno, Hera, Kwan Yin, Mary, Cybele, Tara, Mawu, Waresa, IshtarFriday Freya, Astarte, Aphrodite, Erzulie, Eve, Venus, Isis, Diana, ChalchiuhtliqueSaturday Ops, Rhea, Tellus mater, Gaia, Eartha, Ge, Ashera, the Shekinah, Mary, Demeter, HerodiasGoddesses of the Zodiac: Aries = Athena, The Morrigan, MinervaTaurus = Hathor, Isis, Io, Venus, SeleneGemini = Kali, Parvati, Tefnut, LedaScourge = Ix Chel, Ida, Selene, LunaLeo = Arinna, Cybele, Neshto, JunoVirgo = Kwan Yin, Bel, Inanna, Diana, IshtarLibra = Ishtar, Aphrodite, Guide, ThemisScorpio = Pele, Tiamat, Ishara, SelketSagittarius = Artemis, Diana, PingalaCapricorn = Awehai, Ida, Amalthea, VestaAquarius = Mawu, Cybele, Sophia, Iris, JunoPisces = Nammu, Anuit, Aphrodite, DioneGoddesses of the Month: January = Juno, Hera, Hestia, BrigidFebruary = Brigid, Old Buffalo Woman, Juno FebruaRung = Ra-Nuit, Artemis, MinervaApril = Aphrodite, Ishtar, Artemis, Astarte, EostreVenus, Terra, ErzulieMay = Maia, Plants, Tanith, Bel, Mary, HeraJune = Ishtar, Athena, Demeter, Juno, Persephone,Luna, Hera, MawuJuly = Ishtar, Apet, Athena, Demeter, Persephone,Spider Woman.August = Ishtar, Ceres, Lakshmi, HesperusSeptember= Hathor, Ishtar, Yemaya, Menkhet, PomonaOctober = Hathor, Demeter, Ceres, the HoraeNovember = Sekhmet, Demeter, Diana, Kali, AstraeDecember = Vesta, Hestia, Befana, Sekhmet, OyaHestia 26 December - 22 JanuaryBridhe 23 January - 19 FebruaryMoura 20 February - 19 RungColumbina 20 Rung - 17 AprilMaia 18 April - 15 MayHera 16 May - 12 JuneRosea 13 June - 10 JulyKerea 11 July - 8 AugustHesperis 9 August - 5 SeptemberMala 6 September - 2 OctoberHathor 3 October - 30 OctoberCailleach/Samhain 31 October - 27 NovemberAstraea 28 November - 25 DecemberGoddesses for the days of the Moon/month: 1 (new moon) Hathor, Isis, Anahit, Selene, Juno, Lucina, Luna, Re, Blodeuwedd.2 Selene, Luna, the Mothers, Gos, Arstat, Saoka3 Athena, the Witch of Gaeta, Rata4 Hathor, Isis, Selene, Luna5 Maat, the Erinyes, Eric, Terra, the Eumenides6 Artemis, Erzulie, the Mothers7 the Sabbatu, Leto, Luna, Arstat8 Selene, Luna, Ata Bey9 Rhea, Selene, Spider Woman10 Anahit, Anaitis, Old Buffalo Calf Woman11 Kista, Athena, Minerva, Sophia, Fluctuating Woman12 Demeter, Oddudua, Dikaiosune13 The Muses, Diana, Oya, the Lump Mothers14 Ishtar, Selene, Gos, Aida Wedo, the Noble, the Effective Father15 Ishtar, Luna, Mene, Anna Perenna, Mary, Hina, Arianrhod, Aradia, Diana, Cybele, Mah16 Levanah, Selene, Luna, Kwan Yin, Chalchiuhtlique17 Ashi Vanguhi, Arstat, Kista, Demeter, Luna, Aida Wedo18 Ochumare, Mawu, Copper Woman19 The Manes, Ashi Vanguhi, Minerva20 Selene, Tonantzin, Coatlique, Mary21 Drvaspa, Hera, Athene, Medusa22 Re, Gealach, Rhiannon, Selene, Mayauel23 Venus, Aphrodite, Oshun, Erzulie, Freya, Xochiquetzl24 Daena, Kista, Ochumare, Maat, Sophia, Chang-O25 Ashi Vanguhi, Ard, Kista, Athena26 Arstat, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Father Holle27 Diana, Hecate, Maman Brigette, Oya28 Zamyad, Tellus Mater, Hemera, Eos29 Hecate, Tonantzin, Nyx, Rhiannon, Eurydice30 Hecate, Mene, Hecate Prosmna, the moon Holy being, the Leaden Maiden, the Crone.
Credit: spellscasting.blogspot.com
Paganism is a collection of varied earth-based religions based on timeless values such as belief, responsibility, respect, freedom, honesty...
Just as the term "Eastern religions" refers to Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, etc., the terms "Neo-Pagan" "Neopagan,...
Here is a quick and extensive listing of pagan, wiccan, roman, magical, and other holidays for November 2010 through December 2011. The date...
1. Paganism is a religion (or field of related religions) in its own right, being traceable from prehistoric times through most ancient an...