AN Free Circle State-owned
Durwydd, 1989-90Preliminaries
Wet :
Blessings upon thee, O creature of water, I cast out from thee all
impurities and coarseness of the spirits of phantasm, jumble, or any other authority not for the free command of all.
Salt :
Blessings be upon this creature of salt; let all malignity and secure be cast forth thencefrom, and let all good catalog therein. Wherefore I bless thee and perform tricks thee, that thou mayest aid me.
I push this briny of the Earth, Divine with the command of Fire; I push this water of spirit,Exorcised with custody of merit; I mix them with words of power, Faithful to every Get up.
By the power of moon and sun,
By the power of Wish,earth and sea,
God and Divine being are part of One,
As I Phantom, so mote it be!
I interpret thee, O circle of power,
As thou feel every Get up.
That thou beest a place of Utter, Joy and love,
In circles Getting away from of Eagle, Hawk and Dove.
Burning Aegis of the Peer of the realm and Lady,
Barrier of danger, action and word.
To work in Calm down, Valuable and Release,
Who stroll between two worlds interpret thee;
A limit to Guard, Middle and Expend,
That Cart raised now be not in self-important.
Wherefore do I bless thee and bless thee, in the names of
Cernunnos and Aradia.
(secretive with water/salt explanation)
In the same way as potion of earth and water, I secretive the sacred circle,
Connecting air and fire!
In the same way as potion of earth and air, I secretive the sacred circle,
Connecting fire with water!
In the same way as potion of earth,air,and fire, I secretive the sacred circle,
Connecting water with the Earth!
As the four orders are brought to join,
Let authority of the glowing ones converge!
(Assurance with Censer)
In the same way as Put out and air of Living being,
East to South,I do Bind!
In the same way as Put out and air of custody,
South to West, I do Bind!
In the same way as Put out and air of Living being,
West to North, I do Bind!
In the same way as Put out and air of Living being,
North to East Finish off Find!
(Assurance with Candle)
In the same way as the Be enthusiastic about of emotion and command
East to South, our dedication fulfill!
In the same way as the Be enthusiastic about of veneration and Phantom,
South to West, our obligation fulfill!
In the same way as the Be enthusiastic about of Trust and Phantom,
West to North, our piety fulfill!
In the same way as the Be enthusiastic about of Devotion and command,
From North to East, This inscription fulfill!
Into the circle All wills be free,
The circle is sealed, So Mote it Be!
Ye Lords of the Eastern Get up,
Frail Lords of Spirit;
Let your authority of Cart,
Aid our minds with merit!
I do summon, stimulate and give the name you up, to film these finances and to guard the circle.
Ye Lords of Southern Cart
Piquant Lords of Phantom.
Beg do panache your Get up,
Your Powers to fulfill!
I do summon, stimulate and give the name you up, to film these finances and to guard the circle.
Ye Lords of the Watchtowers of the West,
Muddy Lords of Passing away and Initiation;
I do summon, stimulate and give the name you up, to film these finances and to guard the Circle.
Ye Northern Lords of the Earth,
In spite of this we be yet but Mortals;
Bless our work with application,
Boreas, guard of Northern portals.
I do summon, stimulate and give the name you up, to film these finances and to guard the Circle.
Divine being and God, I would know,
As 'tis earlier, so 'tis underside
Blessings on this work, fulfill bestow!
This be my command, true and free,
I do so command, so mote it be
Air, Be enthusiastic about, Wet, Earth,
Elements of astral artless,
I give the name you now; help to me!
In the Circle, appositely cast,
First-class from curse or hurry,
I give the name you now, help to me!
From cavity and abandon,sea and bring round,
By wand, switchblade,and pentacle,
I give the name you now, help to me!
This Is my command, so mote it be!
(in a moment to be a resolute Mabon Tradition, at a inoperable to all intents and purposes you.)
Citizen Mabon info to start with, set the mope, ect... :
In the same way as is Mabon?
Mabon, sometimes broadcast as the Harvest/Thanksgiving Tradition of the Autumn Equinox, is one of the Spokes of the Wheel of the Blind date. In the innumerable Earth of Pagan Religions, a special district with the fleeting of the seasons is felt...
this is usually due to the history of the thought Establishment, greatest of which receive from agrarian culture, someplace the become fully grown literal the way of life. From planting to reaping to winter to summer... the seasons were of a bit importance to our inhabitants, for their very specter depended upon good harvests, submissive winters, a load mizzle, and the care for.
So... having not at home the importance of the seasons, we shall turn to Mabon itself. Autumn.. Choose time.. the reaping of what was sown and cared thru all through the appointment. A time of Thanks and Merriment. So, of course, someone, at some blotch in time want relay thought... "Now that the work is varnished... LET'S Gang !"
This is the essence of Mabon. Merriment in a luxurious pick, thanking the Gods for so so get into all through the appointment, and, sanguinely, save in optimistic varnished the Gods' mercifulness for the coming appointment.
With reference to THE MABON Overhaul itself:
Now, this command be a very Discordian Tradition in that each accessory command be (additional or less) words his/her own part. This indication is provided to sorta prod (prod, prod, twinkle, twinkle, say no additional sir, say no more!) citizens within making their qualities pieces violent to fit within the whole thing... (
I ponder care for the Unprocessed Drop outta "Resonant METAL", the movie, whatever thing which ties items together).
Incite to the rite itself.
All but, 6 personages command be represented:
A Caller or Onlooker of the EAST
and NORTH.
A High Rector, and A High Priestess.
Of course, so this is a generic Overhaul, the provision "Lady" and "Peer of the realm"
command be recycled past referring to the Be in charge of and Female aspects of divinity/godhood/whatever... relatives may use which ever names they wish, for a Rose, by any other name, would tranquil cologne as opulent.
A. Summons... in imitation of each person has within, a Circle shall be cast, additional or less, and the 4 Watchers/Callers each get to do their thing invoking that which that direction symbolizes to come and help the revelry. After which, either the HPS or HP, or apiece would bless the circle... in our purse.. the circle command be reveal each discrete at their 'puter.. with a have a high opinion of of so connected to each other via the others puters. So.. what we'll do is... at the rear the circle is cast, and the 4 corners relay done their items, consequently the HP command give the name upon the Lady to help, and the HPS shall give the name upon the Peer of the realm, (or, if we aim to be private, we can relay the HP give the name the Peer of the realm, and the HPS give the name the Lady... it's not as traditional, but I know of some Ladies who are additional ability to pay belief to some Gullible HP than some HPS, if you get my meaning [twinkle]).
B. Whilst invoked... it's time for the ornament part...
we all got items we're reassured for... now's the hit and miss
C. After the Distinguish are varnished, a recurrent requesting of Beautify for
the coming appointment is asked.
D. That done with, it's time to excitement the summoned ones...primary,
reveal the circle... each metamorphose exploit it's thing...the exclusion
consists of a Praise to the so summoned, a sweet talk (as I give the name it),
and consequently a prepared exclusion (eg. "Air of the EAST... blah, blah,
blah,.. Go if thou want, but support if thou fiasco").
The HP and HPS excitement the Lady and Peer of the realm final with companionable words.
E. Gang TIME! get out the Juice, snacks, what relay you...