
Monday, July 4, 2011

14 Vidya Techniques And 64 Kala Art Formstypes Of Arts According To Hindu Culture

14 Vidya Techniques And 64 Kala Art Formstypes Of Arts According To Hindu Culture

* 4 VED :

* Rugved
* Samved
* Yajurved
* Atharvaved

* 4 UPVED :

* Arthashastra : An ancient Indian Hindu sermon on statecraft, monetary area and air force procedure which identifies its compose by the names Kautilya and Vishnugupta.
* Dhanurved : The celebrity derives from the words for bow (dhanushya) and knowledge (veda), rather the "science of archery".
* Gandharvaveda : An ancient Indian sermon on the stand-in arts, spherical theatre, get and music.
* Ayurveda : The word ayurveda consists of the words "AYUS", meaning "longevity", and "VEDA", meaning "significant to knowledge" or "science". Therefore Ayurveda is the science of life.

* 6 VEDANGE : Acquaint with are six Vedangas: Shiksha (phonetics), Kalpa (rituals), Vyakarana (language rules), Jyotishya (astronomy), Nirukta (etymology) and Chhandas (metrics). These are mentioned in the Upanishads.

* Shiksha : Shiksha is one of the six Vedangas, treating the traditional Hindu science of phonetics and phonology of Sanskrit. Its aim is the teaching of the renovate elocution of the Vedic hymns and mantras.
* Kalpa : One of the six disciplines of Vedanga, treating ritual.
* Vyakaran : The Sanskrit grammatical tradition of vyakarana is one of the six Vedanga disciplines. It has its heredity in late Vedic India, and includes the illusion work, Astadhyayi, of Panini.
* Nirukta : Nirukta ("petition, etymological interpretation") is one of the six Vedanga disciplines of Hinduism, treating etymology, tremendously of shape words, particularly persons going on in the Vedas. The turf is traditionally official to Yaska, an ancient Sanskrit grammarian. In practical use, nirukta consists of terse secret language (sutras) for deriving word meanings, supplemented with glossaries of problematical or odd Vedic words.
* Chhanda : In Sanskrit, it refers to the study of Vedic device in Standard Sanskrit expression.

* Jyotish : Jyotisa (Sanskrit jyotisa, from jyotis- "light, delightful stature": besides anglicized Jyotish and Jyotisha) is the Hindu plan of astrology (besides everyday as Indian astrology, Hindu astrology, and of late, Vedic astrology). Widely, it has three undergrowth -

1. Siddhanta : traditional Indian astronomy.

2a. Samhita

2b. Medini Jyotisha (ordinary astrology) : Predicting reminiscent activities based on denigration of astrological dynamics in a country's horoscope or communal transit activities such as war, earthquakes, diplomatic activities, fiscal positions, electional astrology; council and configure significant matters (Vastu Shastra), birds, portents, omens etc.

3. Hora : Extrapolative astrology based on denigration of natal horoscopes and the jiffy a uncertainty is made.


* Geet : Art of on stage.
* Vadya : Art of playing on tuneful instruments.
* Nrutya : Art of dancing.
* Natya : Art of theatricals.
* Aalekh : Art of fine art
* Vishesh Kacchedya : Art of fine art the come up and stature with dyed unguents and face-paint.
* Tandul kusumavali vikar : Art of preparing aid organization from rice and plant life.
* Pushpastaran : Art of making a obscure of plant life for a bed.
* Dashanvasanang raag : Art of applying measures for cleansing the teeth, cloths and fine art the stature.
* Manibhumika karma : Art of making the training of necklaces.
* Shayan rachana : Art of obscure the bed.
* Udak vadya : Art of playing on music in water.
* Udakaghata : Art of splashing with water.
* Chitrayog : Art of creatively applying an admixture of colors.
* Malya grantha vikalpa : Art of wily a prepare of wreaths.
* Kesha-shekhara-pidyojana : Art of creatively incident the coronet on the basic.
* Nepathyayog : Art of creatively tie up in the eventful room.
* Karnapatrabhang : Art of decorating the tragus of the ear.
* Gandhayukti / Sugandhayukti : Art of practical aid of aromatics.
* Bhushanayojan : Art of applying or incident ornaments.
* Indrajal : Art of jugglery.
* Kouchumaryog : A dulcet of art.
* Hastalaghav : Art of sleight of hand.
* Chitra Shabdapup Bhakshya Vikar Kriya : Art of preparing varieties of salad, currency, cake and gorgeous provisions.
* Panaka-rasa-ragasava-yojana : Art of creatively preparing lovely munchies and tinging draughts with red color.
* Suchikarma : Art of needleworks and weaving.
* Sutrakarma : Art of playing with frontier.
* Vina-damuraka-vadya : Art of playing on lute and down x-shaped vat.
* Prahelika : Art of making and solving riddles.
* Pratimala : Art of caping or reciting verse for verse as a trial for recollection or skill.
* Durvachakayog : Art of practicing vocabulary problematical to be answered by others.
* Pustakvachan : Art of reciting books.
* Natakakhyayika darshan : Art of enacting short the stage and anecdotes.
* Kavyasamasyapurti : Art of solving puzzling verses.
* Pattika vetra-ban-vikalpa : Art of wily prepare of safeguard, baton and arrows.
* Turkakarma : Art of spiraling by spindle.
* Takshan : Art of carpentry.
* Vastuvidya : Art of industriousness.
* Roupya ratna pariksha : Art of provisional silver and necklaces.
* Dhatuvad : Art of metallurgy.
* Maniraagdnyan : Art of tinging necklaces.
* Aakardnyan : Art of mineralogy.
* Vrukshayurvedyog : Art of practicing tonic or remedial effort, by herbs.
* Mesh-kukkut-lavakyudhha vidhi : Art of sophisticated the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and flora and fauna.
* Shukasarika prapalana : Art of maintaining or sophisticated talk amid male and female cockatoos.
* Utsadan : Art of healing or concentrate on a fit into with perfumes.
* Keshmarjan koushal : Art of combing hair.
* Akshar mushtikakathan : Art of tongue with post and fingers.
* Mlencchitkalavikalpa : Art of fabricating barbarous or funny sophistry.
* Deshbhashadnyan : Art of sophisticated conservative dialects.
* Pushpa-shakatika-nimittadnyan : Art of sophisticated foreshadowing by delightful declare or sophisticated prepare of toy carts by plant life.
* Yantramatruka : Art of workings.
* Dharanmatruka : Art of the use of amulets.
* Sanpathya/Samvachya : Art of talk.
* Manasikavya : Art of composing verse religiously.
* Kriyavikalpa : Art of wily a speculative work or a remedial pick up the check.
* Chlikyog / Chalitakayoga : Art of practicing as a designer of shrines called on one occasion him.
* Abhidhankosh chhandodnyan : Art of the use of lexicography and meters.
* Vastragopan : Art of conceal of cloths.
* Dyut visesha : Art of sophisticated precise making a bet.
* Aakarshan krida : Art of playing with wise guy or withdraw.
* Balkridakarma : Art of using novice toys.
* Vainayiki vidyadnyan : Art of enforcing turf.
* Vaijayiki vidyadnyan : Art of gaining hit.
* Vyayamiki vidyadnyan : Art of excitement master with music at dawn.

is held that lord Krishna possesses 64 kinds of arts called "Chausath Kalas". They are as follows:(1) Geet vidya-art of on stage.

(2) Vadya vidya-art of playing on tuneful instruments.

(3) Nritya vidya-art of dancing.

(4) Natya vidya-art of theatricals.

(5) alekhya vidya-art of fine art.

(6) viseshakacchedya vidya-art of fine art the come up and stature with color

(7) tandula-kusuma-bali-vikara-art of preparing aid organization from rice and plant life.

(8) pushpastarana-art of making a obscure of plant life for a bed.

(9) dasana-vasananga-raga-art of applying measures for cleansing the teeth, cloths and fine art the stature.

(10) mani-bhumika-karma-art of making the training of necklaces.

(11) sayya-racana-art of obscure the bed.

(12) udaka-vadya-art of playing on music in water.

(13) udaka-ghata-art of splashing with water.

(14) citra-yoga-art of creatively applying an admixture of colors.

(15) malya-grathana-vikalpa-art of wily a prepare of wreaths.

(16) sekharapida-yojana-art of creatively incident the coronet on the basic.

(17) nepathya-yoga-art of creatively tie up in the eventful room.

(18) karnapatra-bhanga-art of decorating the tragus of the ear.

(19) sugandha-yukti-art of practical aid of aromatics.

(20) bhushana-yojana-art of applying or incident ornaments.

(21) aindra-jala-art of juggling.

(22) kaucumara-a dulcet of art.

(23) hasta-laghava-art of sleight of hand.

(24) citra-sakapupa-bhakshya-vikara-kriya-art of preparing varieties of gorgeous provisions.

(25) panaka-rasa-ragasava-yojana-art of creatively preparing lovely munchies and tinging draughts with red color.

(26) suci-vaya-karma-art of needleworks and weaving.

(27) sutra-krida-art of playing with frontier.

(28) vina-damuraka-vadya-art of playing on lute and down vat.

(29) prahelika-art of making and solving riddles.

(30) durvacaka-yoga-art of practicing vocabulary problematical to be answered by others.

(31) pustaka-vacana-art of reciting books.

(32) natikakhyayika-darsana-art of enacting short the stage and anecdotes.

(33) kavya-samasya-purana-art of solving puzzling verses.

(34) pattika-vetra-bana-vikalpa-art of wily prepare of safeguard, baton and arrows.

(35) tarku-karma-art of spiraling by spindle.

(36) takshana-art of carpentry.

(37) vastu-vidya-art of industriousness.

(38) raupya-ratna-pariksha-art of provisional silver and necklaces.

(39) dhatu-vada-art of metallurgy.

(40) mani-raga jnana-art of tinging necklaces.

(41) akara jnana-art of mineralogy.

(42) vrikshayur-veda-yoga-art of practicing tonic or remedial effort, by herbs.

(43) mesha-kukkuta-lavaka-yuddha-vidhi-art of sophisticated the mode of fighting of lambs, cocks and flora and fauna.

(44) suka-sarika-prapalana (pralapana)? -- art of maintaining or sophisticated talk amid male and female cockatoos.

(45) utsadana-art of healing or concentrate on a fit into with perfumes.

(46) kesa-marjana-kausala-art of combing hair.

(47) akshara-mushtika-kathana-art of tongue with post and fingers.

(48) mlecchita-kutarka-vikalpa-art of fabricating barbarous or funny sophistry.

(49) desa-bhasha-jnana-art of sophisticated conservative dialects.

(50)nirmiti-jnana-art of sophisticated foreshadowing by delightful declare

(51) yantra-matrika-art of workings.

(52) dharana-matrika-art of the use of amulets.

(53) samvacya-art of talk.

(54) manasi kavya-kriya-art of composing verse religiously.

(55) kriya-vikalpa-art of wily a speculative work or a remedial pick up the check.

(56) chalitaka-yoga-art of practicing as a designer of shrines called on one occasion him.

(57) abhidhana-kosha-cchando-jnana-art of the use of lexicography and meters.

(58) vastra-gopana-art of conceal of cloths.

(59) dyuta-visesha-art of sophisticated precise making a bet.

(60) akarsha-krida-art of playing with wise guy or withdraw.

(61) balaka-kridanaka-art of using novice toys.

(62) vainayiki vidya-art of enforcing turf.

(63) vaijayiki vidya-art of gaining hit.

(64) vaitaliki vidya-art of excitement master with music at dawn.

DRESSING1. Toilet Make-up, toilet and use of beautifying agents

2. Painting the stature, and colouring the nails, hair, etc.

3. Piece of the temple.

4. Art of hair tie up.

5. Art of tie up.

6. Athletic comparison of streamer and jewellery.


7. In concert.

8. Playing on tuneful instruments.

9. Playing on tuneful eyeglasses extensive with water.

10. Show business.

11. Dancing.

Vast Teaching

12. Glowing propriety and etiquette.

13. Notion of foreign languages and dialects.

14. Notion of vocabularies.

15. Notion of Speech-making or Figures of Phrasing.

16. Echelon.

17. Reciting poems.

18. Denigration of poems.

19. Denigration of dramas and denigration of stories.

20. Pleasing up the confused line of a poem.

21. Composing poems to order.

22. Give away in verse (being one fit into recites a poem, distinct gives the verbalize in verse).

23. The art of homily by upset the forms of words.

24. Art of sophisticated the inner self of a man from his air.

25. Art of attracting others (bewitching).

Family tree SCIENCE

26. Art of cooking.

27. Live out of foreign beverages, heavy and acute munchies, chutneys, etc.

28. Mending and spinal column work.

29. Conception of foreign beds for foreign purposes and for foreign seasons.

Physical Organization

30. Physical culture.

31. Resourcefulness in fresh sports.

32. Swimming and water-sports. Training

33. Training of wise guy, chess, etc.

34. Training of rout.

35. Puzzles and their answer.

36. Statistical games.

ART OF Lightweight

37. Magic: art of creating illusions.

38. Con of hand.

39. Mimicry or masquerade (of declare or sounds).

40. Art of mask.

Piercing ARTS

41. Painting in colours.

42. Stringing plant life all the rage garlands and other ornaments for decorating the stature, such as

crowns, clapnets, etc.

43. Floral streamer of carriages.

44. Conception of mock plant life.

45. Live out of ear-rings of bark, ivory, etc.

46. Conception flora and fauna, plant life, etc., of frontier or account.

47. Clay-modelling: making information and images.

48. The art of upset the manner of gear such as making to augmentation as silk.

PET Nature

49. Education parrots and other flora and fauna to sermon.

50. Education rams and cocks and other flora and fauna for facade diverge.

Practical Education

51. Farming and fostering.

52. Live out of perfumery.

53. Conception gear from canes and reeds.

54. Wood-engraving.

55. Joinery.

56. Notion of workings.

57. Structure of manor (Architecture).

58. Bamboozle slim with coloured stones.

59. Notion of metals.

60. Notion of gems and necklaces.

61. Colouring incalculable stones.

62. Art of war.

63. Notion of nobody words.

64. Signals for convey messages.
