
Monday, July 13, 2009

The Rollright Stones On Oxfordshire

The Rollright Stones On Oxfordshire Image
Here's an old story about the witch in the Elderberry Tree (aka Eldern or Hyldor Tree).

The Witch of the Elder is a prominent figure in the lore of a certain King and his Army as they made their approach across the land of the English countryside. A Witch appeared suddenly and called out to the King "Seven long strides shalt thou take, If Long Compton thou can see, King of England thou shalt be."

But the village of Long Compton was hidden behind a low mound known as the Archdruid's Barrow and as the King had taken the seventh of his strides, the Witch then cried out "As Long Compton thou canst not see, King of England thou shalt not be. Rise up stick and rise up stone, For King of England thou shalt be none. Thou and thy men hoar stones shall be and myself an Eldern-Tree."

The King thus became the single stone known as the King Stone, and The Whispering Knights are now what his men are known as, they being a group of stones positioned to the East of the King Stone while the compass or circle of the Stones themselves is now called the King's Men with the Witch herself becoming the fabled Hyldor Tree.

Legend says that no one can accurately count these stones - apparently they go for a drink down at the stream at night!

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