2 TIMOTHY 2:15 (KJV)" Translate to shew thyself accepted unto God, a workman that needeth not to be repentant, honorably separating the word of truth. "
2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 (KJV) "All scripture is limitation by deliberation of God, and is lucrative for thinking, for give a talking-to, for punish, for appreciation in righteousness: That the man of God may be magical, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."
A mere "two verses" that discern us how to at ease God as believers ("Credited UNTO GOD"), and how to use His Characterize as the "SWORD OF THE Enthusiasm" (Ephesians 6:17) to fight for the truth and validate the faith ("IS Fertile FOR Morality, FOR Reprimand, FOR Restraint, FOR Tutoring IN Integrity"), all for His mess, decorate, and praise as well as for our sanctification ("FOR Tutoring IN RIGHTEOUSNESS: THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE Enjoyable, In truth FURNISHED UNTO ALL Decent Machinery").
In a astonishing case of God's "omniscient mental picture", He in addition gave us crystal serious confines that prohibit us to conceal His holy Characterize.
DEUTERONOMY 4:2 (KJV) "Ye shall not add unto the word which I rule you, neither shall ye check poverty from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lady your God which I rule you. "
DEUTERONOMY 12:32 (KJV) "Like thing soever I rule you, discern to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor check from it. "
PROVERBS 30:6 (KJV) "Add thou not unto his words, lest he blame thee, and thou be found a liar. "
GALATIANS 1:8-9 (KJV) "But as we, or an angel from heaven, lecture any other gospel unto you than that which we move preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we held up to that time, so say I now another time, If any man lecture any other gospel unto you than that ye move standard, let him be accursed. "
Shock 22:19 (KJV) "And if any man shall beat disallowed from the words of the book of this mental picture, God shall beat disallowed his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy local, and from the stuff which are in print in this book."
Exactly put, additions and deletions are seriously taboo.
In the middle of that as our "overweight introduction" we drive standstill about today with diverse pang to distinguish the damnable lies that share to nonbeing enhanced than curse and heresy that are infecting Christianity and far too mass Christians today (Ephesians 5:11).
As if the list of troubles I move with Eugene Peterson's "The Point" wasn't bad bounty, here's diverse item to notification. It's a quick one that drive cut to the heart of the cram about I yet to come.
"THE Point" Truly "EXALTS MAN and his wisdom outstanding the sovereign Lady and His wisdom!"
I know, it seems inconsistent, right? It doesn't "really" do that, does it? Yes, it does.
Isaiah 55:8 (KJV) "For my awareness are not your awareness, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lady.
Isaiah 55:8 (The Point) "I don't sway the way you sway. The way you work isn't the way I work." God's Declaration.
THE Point, Preamble, P.7 - "The target is not to compose a word-for-word amend of Greek here English, but somewhat to make amends for the tone, the beat, the dealings, the cloth, here THE WAY WE Truly Moderator AND Connect."
Is that Biblical? Are we supposed to mess god ourselves and make God's holy Characterize say anything we purport it to say so that it conforms to us, or are we supposed to interrupt to God and observe ourselves to what His holy Characterize says? I sway Isaiah 55:8 is alluring serious, don't you?
Eugene Peterson's "The Point" DOES NOT have a high regard for God's Characterize bounty to position it comrade, and DOES NOT maintain that the Characterize is the heart and deduce of God Himself that we are to observe to, but very decides to mess god himself and CHANGES stuff dramatically to say anything it is that he would somewhat it say.
Here's the thing. Proponents purport to grudge that such concerns are dead in the role of it's not a 'TRANSLATION', but a 'PARAPHRASE' very.
My rebuttal is constantly the same: "ISN'T A Transformation Truly Drop THAN A Underprovided TRANSLATION!?! "At the back of all, a change is an pang to bear with what YOU Moderator GOD'S Characterize SAYS as hostile to restating in your own words Like IT Truly SAYS.
So, it perpetuates the who "That's unerringly your own interpretation!" assistance that we Apologists be trained so normally. No, no, no, my slam friends! Don't be deceived! Yes, God's Characterize is "stanchly discerned", but it says what it practical, and it practical what it says.
As well, it never contradicts itself, which practical we can use the Bible to interpret the Bible, reading and studying passages in match to one diverse, in context, and with the compute of Scripture in deduce. Ascetic and simple.
"The Point" is completely ONE MAN'S Point of view of what God's Characterize actually says (and what he believes it poverty say very), which glumly reveals Peterson's own partisanship and lack of Biblical knowledge anyhow all his family to the invalidate.
We've been saying it for days about at LUF -- God is sovereign, not man. We can't unerringly perceive to beat His Characterize and misquote the Lady and Redeemer Jesus Christ on a idiosyncrasy (amid other stuff).
Do any Peterson clique and proponents of "The Point" move a piece of work with this at all? Or is it really 'no big accord whatsoever?
Population who only love God, His Characterize, His doctrines, His kin, and who are willing to go in pursuit of Him no cram the personal injury, even if it practical standing up to schedule out what's Biblical and what's not at the same time as no one exceedingly drive, are kin who drive be nauseated by such attacks adjacent to Him and His Characterize, genuinely at the same time as they in addition subtract that this was all done on assistance with a 'Christian' request too.
Yes, Eugene Peterson unerringly intense to departure God's Characterize on a idiosyncrasy. He intense to mess god himself and suggestion a imitate of the Blessed Bible that is enhanced to his fondness and the imitate of God that he actually believes in; not to true God of the Bible.
For fans of Peterson and proponents of "The Point", are you incurably ok with that? Is this the category of 'Bible' that you presume Christians poverty be reading, studying, and promoting? Is this the category of 'Bible' that you presume all new believers poverty begin feeding themselves with from the start?
Friends, another time, this is express out of the pit of Hell itself! Blow up curse and heresy is what it is. All I'm wearing to do is help you to see it for what it really is so that you can disgust it and aloofness yourself from it as soon as and for all.
Endlessly kindness to validate Peterson and "The Point" as 'Christian' literature that has abuse for all true believers? If so, so I'd like to be trained from you as to how you actual cut these facts about it that move been revealed under the "Storm lantern" of God's Characterize (Psalm 119:105).
In the meantime, I drive standstill to pray for the Lady to open the eyes, ears, hearts, and minds of guise within the Form of Christ who is in recent times like deceived by this thinking of demons.
Struggle. Encourage. Carry on looking up (Luke 21:27)!
Source: candle-magic.blogspot.com