
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do Pagans Worry About Blasphemy

Do Pagans Worry About Blasphemy Cover Following my post the other day about a blasphemy law in Pennsylvania, I got an interesting email from a reader who asked, "I was at a pagan event last month, and dropped a candle... I said, "Oh my goddess!" and was immediately jumped on by a woman who scolded me for being blasphemous. I told her that I didn't think my goddess really cared if I said something like that, but she told me that "taking the goddess' name in vain" was wrong. This sounds an awful lot like Christianity, which I left recently. Am I missing something? Is there really a rule that says I can't say "oh my goddess" if I feel like it?"

The concept of blasphemy is one that's common to the Abrahamic faiths, but is not widely found in other religions. In many Pagan religions, in particular, deities are not always seen as judgemental or punishing. In fact, some Pagan gods and goddesses are a lot of fun -- they are often viewed as having a bit of a sense of humor, and not concerning themselves overmuch with the day to day activities of their worshippers, unless we specifically address them. Read the full article here: Pagans and Blasphemy

Readers, I'm curious. Would you give someone an earful if you heard them exclaim "oh my goddess?" Do you find phrases like this "blasphemous," and if so, why?

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