The Odinic Rite was established in England in 1972, and in the 1990s expanded to include chapters in Germany (1995), Australia (1995) and North America (1997) and later (2006) to the Netherlands. In 1992, The Odin Brotherhood by Mark Mirabello contained claims of a surviving Odinist "secret society", allegedly founded in 1421 to pagan tradition from
Christian persecution, comparable to the Witch-cult hypothesis forwarded by
Gerald Gardner (1954).
Neopagan groups calling themselves Odin Brotherhood based on Mirabello's account have since been listed in The Encyclopedia of American Religions.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Robert Wang - The Qabalistic TarotTuesday Lobsang Rampa - The Saffron RobeVovim Baghie - The Grand Satanic RitualAnton Szandor Lavey - The Satanic RitualsMark Mirabello - The Odin Brotherhood