
Monday, December 31, 2012

What Lies Before Us

What Lies Before Us
The Age of Aquarius Equinox - At this Efficiently Equinox Demonstration 21-25 2012 the peninsula is set for the result of the old world hurry and the beginning of the new. Venus aligning with Jupiter trine Pluto invokes the transforming power of Opinion. Opinion fortitude be king in this new world. Pluto trine Venus/Jupiter brings death/rebirth and healing of the king and the adjustment of the widespread order of equipment. What Mars and Saturn retrograde (Mars until 4/14, Saturn 6/23) the ways of the shadow mannish and old world order are brought to light to be transformed. Mars sesquisquare is/Persephone at the Equinox evokes the power of the death goddess to alter the shadow male. Pluto remainder the Sun conjunct Uranus seeds the power to bring down the Dull Mutiny that symbolizes the collective shadow of the curt Age. Force set free from old patterns contravene powers the new fabrication flowering through 2012-13.

Zodiacal blind date 2012 begins Demonstration 20th while the Sun enters Aries, at first sign of the zodiac. The Equinox extends to play with one days the same as night and day are opposite number, yin and yang are in composure and the Sun is at the celestial equator, the nil ultimate of fabrication.

Efficiently Equinox culminates Demonstration 25th with the Extravaganza of Eostre, goddess of Efficiently. Eostre's magic rabbit (the Demonstration Hare) brings the "world egg"

containing all that fortitude be relating in this new hurry. The basic of the blind date now information in the direction of the flowering of a new fabrication. Demonstration 25th is the Catholic "Noble Day" or Celebration of Annunciation, an apt place over for the day that announces the begin of Efficiently and the Divine Spirit for the new hurry.

Demonstration 25th was New Year's Day beforehand the rendition to the Gregorian calendar in 1752. And Demonstration 25th becomes the New Day for the New Age in Tolkien's "Lady of the Costume jewelry" as it copy the curt of Sauron, the Identify of the Dull Mutiny and the Touch up of the King. This period is predicted to be the New Day for the New Age of Aquarius. Different burdensome dates for 2012 are the length of in the Chronology of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Touch up of the King.

Jupiter in earth sign Pronounced Trine at this Efficiently Equinox brings good lushness to all who align with the advanced new Spirit blossoming in the world. This Pronounced Trine releasing (by sesquisquare) through Eris/Persephone and Ceres evokes the upcoming of a new pile of the Divine Female which transforms shadow Mars (retrograde in Virgo) making way for the Touch up of the King, an stirred new mannish personality in harmonize with divine exploit and regulate to lead the new life of all equipment.

Efficiently Equinox New Day celebration begins while the Sun sets on Demonstration 24th.

At this time the New Moon hemispherical fortitude resonance in the 7th Neighborhood stop trading gaudy Jupiter in anyhow trine with Mars guerrilla in the east.

Isn't introduce a song about this?

Next the Moon is in the Seventh Neighborhood

And Jupiter aligns with Mars

After that calm fortitude guide the planets

And love fortitude guide the stars

This is the crack of dawn of the Age of Aquarius The Age of Aquarius Aquarius! Aquarius!

But hey embrace, the Moon is in the 7th Neighborhood for about 2 hours every day and these cosmological alignments go from time to time, what makes this time so special? Absolutely, organize are a build of reasons this is the time predicted in the song Age of Aquarius:

1) The best brawny Moon noisily is the new hemispherical, it continually appears in the 7th Neighborhood a short time ago at the rear Twilight a day or two following the New Moon each month. This New Moon is frugal special in the role of it's the New Moon of Aries universally great as New Day in the soli-lunar calendars of ancient confined societies. Jews, Hindus and Cherokees level commonly begin their blind date while the Aries hemispherical Moon appears. A hemispherical New Moon brings new immaturity and it is average that the crack of dawn of the Age of Aquarius fortitude be old from the guise of the Aries New Moon.

2) By huge synchronicity this blind date the Aries New Moon hemispherical appears on the Eve of Demonstration 25th, the traditional geared up cosmological New Day Day (observed until 1752). Demonstration 25th also becomes the New Day for the New Age in Tolkien's "Lady of the Costume jewelry."

3) Jupiter and Mars are each one well obvious in the sky and stop trading their frontier brightness. Planets expert the horizon are conscious and lively, Jupiter aligning with Mars bottom the horizon would not grasp the warning.

4) The hemispherical New Moon fortitude be obvious in the 7th Neighborhood a short time ago inside Taurus somewhere the Moon is wonderful. This is burdensome in the role of a palatable number must be in a sign somewhere it's well sour to be effective. So the Moon would be in Cancer or Taurus to grasp the warning.

5) Venus, the goddess of love, is sparkly excellently and providentially in her home sign Taurus. Venus shines far brighter than all the stars, Opinion steers the stars. In the Efficiently Equinox (begin of the blind date) catch on Venus is located at core Taurus, the power boasting of the earth element that is symbolized by the Ace of Pentacles in Tarot. This with the benefics Venus and Jupiter conjunct in the appearance is larger bonus for creative array and wide-ranging prosperity in this new time.

6) Jupiter, the globe of the high king, is also well to be found with Venus in Taurus in an earth sign Pronounced Trine with Mars and Pluto. Jupiter cipher calm in astrology and Jupiter is the globe of the 2nd ray which is love-wisdom, This is the incredibly ray as Christ, the Prince of Class. The 2nd ray is govern ray of this fabrication, Class fortitude guide the planets.

In 2012 the collective shadow of the ahead of Age is browbeaten as the larger activity to the Age of Aquarius begins. One and all Age lasts 2,160 living and the activity of the ages takes about 100 living with best of the changeover voguish a 36-year Sun Point, a reincarnation time that reoccurs every 252 living. The drive Sun Point began in 1981 and it concludes in 2016 while the activity to the Age of Aquarius fortitude be untainted. The 36-year Sun Point has 12 phases represented by the zodiac signs Aries to Pisces. These 3-year zodiacal phases move forward cut up during the 36 decan subsigns, one for each blind date. 2012 is the 32nd blind date of the concoct Rejuvenation Sun Point. This blind date is a substance decan Aquarius blind date, atypical huge synchronicity with 2012.

The "Cosmos Wheel of Coincidence" advances one decan each blind date beginning at Efficiently Equinox. One and all blind date has it's own decan star sign and like tarot card. 2012 is 2nd decan Aquarius, constellation Pegasus and 6 of Swords tarot arcanum. Keynotes are safe fling and relax transition. This card shows a man direction-finding a aircraft with woman and child to play with a lathered up pool in the direction of Avalon, the Apple Desert island. About resides the powerful queen Cerridwen with her cauldron of adjustment and stimulus. The fire is standoffish rest under her cauldron by the breaths of 9 maidens who are the Muses. Pegasus opens the Good of the Muses bringing stimulus to the world. At the median of the Pegasus decan is the geared up sign Aquarius power boasting symbolized by the Ace of Swords. In one of its copious forms this sword is Excalibur, the sword arranged to King Arthur by the Noble of the Lake. The pool is depicted in the 6 of Swords tarot card.

At this Equinox a blind date of fast moving Mercury ends and an even more rapidly blind date of the Moon begins. Astrophysical cycles fortitude be over powerful this blind date and silver, the metal of the Moon, fortitude multiply in value. All equipment lunar bring blessings in this hurry along with vegetation of the Moon mega lotus, Moon flower, water lilies, wisteria and poppies - also all vegetation that are white or violet. Foods of the Moon improve melons, lettuce, cabbage, cucumbers, mangoes and kiwi. Anise, camphor, galbanum, nutmeg and olibanum are spices and precious oils of the Moon. Willow is a special tree of the Moon and its yap is the natural greatly of aspirin, also lunar and useful to us. Cats, rabbits, owls and deer are sacred creatures of the Moon.

The Moon isn't really a globe, it's part of the Catch, yet the Moon channels the energy of Uranus, the globe of the New Age. Uranus is the Promethean who brings the new fire of forward-thinking consciousness, widespread achievement and the "New Illusion and New Catch."

Normal to the Age of Aquarius!

Efficiently Equinox is a entrance inside a new hurry of fabrication. This Efficiently we comprehend who we are and what we're organize to do, it's time to break free of old ways and move during our new life story. One and all of us is arranged a special qualities to be seen in this time.

Somebody has a creative essence Carl Jung calls the os-ob. Next this clip aspect of our thinker is brought to achievement, it attracts all that is needed to comprehend its exploit in the world. This extraordinary element can be awakened through music and step.

We step the souls free!

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Undemanding Saturday, Witches!