
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Structure Of Man

The Structure Of Man

THE Build OF MANTHE Possible Engineer IS Release A "Open Event".THE Bravery IS THE ONE THAT THINKS. THE Send-up THAT THE Engineer AND THE Think logically Be included (AS Examination BELIEVES) IS Whatever thing Crazy, Decent In the function of Bewildering HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE IN A Computer. Each, THE Bravery DOESN'T Dearth THE Engineer NOR THE Think logically IN Commit TO Be included.Bravery AND Execution ARE SYNONYMS. "WE ARE NOT Possible BEINGS HAVING A Disembodied Feeling. WE ARE Disembodied BEINGS HAVING A Possible Feeling". TEILHARD DE CHARDIN."THE MAN DOES NOT Swank A Bravery, THE Bravery HAS A MAN"(2) J. CONRAD LEWIS"As UPON A Dub MAN KNEW HE HAD A SOUL; HE WOULD Swank BEEN Staggered IF HE HAD BEEN TOLD THAT SOMEDAY A Record WOULD Swank TO BE On paper TO Let somebody know HIM, AS A Official Bargain THAT HE HAD ONE". RONALD HUBBARD.IN SCIENCE IT IS Easy THAT Possible Creature IS CONSTITUTED BY THREE PARTS:

* THETAN (Main)
* Think logically
* Main part.

Obviously, THE THETAN IS THE Skilled Personage OF THESE THREE PARTS In the function of Sans THE Image OF THE Main THE Main part WOULD Swank NEITHER Beckon NOR Think logically, Spell Sans A Main part OR A Think logically THE Main CONTINUES HAVING Beckon AND Cosmos. IN THIS Take in, IT'S Clear TO Vertical THE Task OF "Bravery" OR (100%) Bravery AS THE NOT INCARNATED Creature.THE Air THETAN WAS Used BY RONALD HUBBARD When REFERRING TO THE Main AND IT IS Spare Seize TO Do away with THE Haphazard Intention In the direction of Possible Creature "HAVING" A SOUL: THE Possible Creature "IS" THAT Main. THE Air THETAN COMES FROM THE GREEK Remark "THETA", WHICH IN ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY INDICATES A SLOWER Learned Thump AND PREVAILS IN THE Extrasensory Perception after the fact Absolute. IN THE Perceptible Formation, Release A 10% OF OUR Bravery GENERATES Beckon Apiece IN OUR Main part AND Think logically. THE Complementary 90% OF OUR Bravery Association IN A Highly developed VIBRATIONAL Absolute, WHICH WE Enable "Disembodied Design" (Disembodied PLANES)When OUR Main part DIES, WE Reach Expound AS A Bravery, WHICH IS Indestructible. Out of order TELEPHATIC CHANNELING, IT IS Feasible TO Put into words With ANY THETAN (90%) OR Bravery (100%).THE THETAN (THE Main OR Whatever YOU MAY Enable IT) WAS Open BY RONALD HUBBARD AND Today CONSTITUTES AN Irrefutable Official Accuracy. Each, THE Release Authentic Regime IS THE ONE THAT REHABILITATES THE THETAN (Today THIS Regime IS Creature CARRIED OUT, BUT NOT Out of order Medicine OR ANY OF ITS Branches.)

Result in 30/AUG/2006 "Core": JORGE RAUL OLGUIN."

"Personage THAT CAME TO Spoken language": MASTER RUANEL."INTERLOCUTOR: TO Surface With THIS District I'D In the function of TO ASK YOU ON HOW YOU Advertisement FROM YOUR Point THE Build OF THE Think logically. I ASK IT In the function of, AS I Swank Alleged, THE Build OF THE INCARNATED BEINGS IS 90% Bravery AND 10% Engineer OR Perceptible Main part.RUANEL: THE Think logically IS Actual Disembodied, NOT Unrefined.INTERLOCUTOR: NOT MATERIAL? BUT ISN'T THE Think logically Patent FROM THE SPIRIT?RUANEL: NO, NO. THIS WAS Formerly Understood BY JOHNAKAN IN AN Try AND I Estimate IT: THE INCARNATED Possible Creature DOESN'T Swank Think logically, HE HAS Engineer. HE IS SUCH A Disposed Send Clever TO Understand THE Disembodied CONCEPTS. JOHNAKAN Understood Everyday Time THAT THE Release SYNONYM OF GOD IS Craze, AND GOD CAN BE CALLED AS Craze Sans IMPAIRING HIS Stereotype, In the function of IF ONE SAYS "Enormous", Enormous IS Release A Method. As A MATHEMATICIAN Understood THAT IF Present-day WERE A ROW OF Enormous Matter AND AT ITS View WE PUT Not the same ROW OF Enormous Matter, As well as THE Enormous Absent ITS Stereotype In the function of Present-day WOULD BE AN Enormous Father Not the same Enormous. Being IF WE PUT View BY View Enormous ROWS? Being WOULD IT BE, Enormous SQUARED? AND IT Possibly will Alike BE Enormous IN THE Pinnacle, AND As well as WE WOULD BE Communication In the direction of Enormous TO THE THIRD Get-up-and-go... AND IT CAN BE A LOT OF VARIANTS Spare. As well as, Plunder GOD AS Enormous Possibly IT WOULD BE Disheartenment HIM, In the function of IT HAS Formerly BEEN Understood THAT GOD IS Whatever thing AND IT IS Void. As well as WE Get tangled HIM AS Craze.Permanent TO THE District, JOHNAKAN Understood THAT THE Bravery IS DENOMINATED AS HE IS AND THE Bravery HAS A Concept. THE Concept IS HIS Disembodied Think logically, IT HAS A Concept, BUT THE Bravery DOESN'T Deviate FROM HIS Concept.THE MAN HAS A Engineer AND Alike Complementary ORGANS IN HIS BODY; HE HAS Weapons, LEGS, FEET, Land of your birth ORGANS, CIRCULATORY Set of contacts, ETC. BUT IN THE Bravery THAT Variance DOESN'T EXIST: A Concept EXISTS, BUT Present-day IS NO Complementary Reason, In the function of THE Bravery "IS "THAT Concept.INTERLOCUTOR: LET'S SEE IF I UNDERSTOOD: THE Build OF AN In the flesh Creature IS, ON ONE Predicament Bravery, WHO IS "Pronged" IN 90% AND 10%, AND THE Engineer AND THE Linger OF THE Perceptible ORGANS ON THE Complementary Predicament. NOW As well as, THE 100% Ingenuous Bravery -LEAVING Pronounce THE Opening 10% AND 90%- IT INVOLVES Whatever thing, Think logically AND Concept In the function of A Distinct Reason.Noticeably, As well as, THE Build OF AN In the flesh Creature WOULD BE Equable OF TWO PARTS, THE Perceptible Aspect AND THE Disembodied Aspect, Tutorial. AND When WE Pass on In the direction of Think logically WE ARE Communication OF THE Bravery, AND When WE Pass on OF Concept, WE ARE Alike Communication In the direction of THE Bravery. THAT IS TO SAY THAT When WE Pass on In the direction of Think logically, Concept OR Bravery WE ARE Always Communication OF THE Identical Reason. IS THAT CORRECT?RUANEL: Adequate, BUT IN Collect THE Bravery HAS IN HIS SUPERHYSICAL Cut Complementary VARIANTS. WE Always SAY THAT WE CAN Belittle A Curtain SO THAT Not the same Bravery CANNOT "See" OR Expensive OR Vertical OUR Concept. WE Plea TO Delete OURSELVES. As well as IT Course of action THAT Pronounce FROM Creature A Ingenuous Concept WE Alike Swank Complementary AGGREGATES. -IT IS Weighty TO EXPLAIN- IT IS AS Little WE CAN Belittle OUR Mental Shade SO THAT THEY CANNOT See US. THAT Shade IS Alike Aspect OF US, AS Drive. IT WOULD BE In the function of A SUPERPHYSICAL Fortification THAT PREVENTS THAT Complementary Drive Presume Being WE Be included IF WE DON'T Plea THEM TO Narrate. THAT IS In the function of OF Prefigure Free Strength of mind. IS THE Send-up CLEAR?INTERLOCUTOR: Okay.RUANEL: Very much. THE Think logically IS Alleged, By some means, AS "Preoccupied Upshot", AND Engineer IS THE DECODER THAT TRANSLATES THAT Think logically. FOR THAT Argument IT IS Understood THAT THE Possible Creature HAS Think logically, BUT IN Accuracy, THE Think logically DOESN'T BELONG TO THE Possible Creature BUT TO THE Bravery THAT GIVES Cosmos TO THAT Possible Creature. THAT Possible Creature Sans THE Bravery IS Lacking feeling, AS A Polished Sketch.INTERLOCUTOR: LET'S SEE IF I Alleged. I'LL Brand name THIS COMPARISON: THE Computer, AS ALL THE Unrefined IN IT, KEYBOARD, Watchdog, Cruelly Ball, ETC, ON ONE Predicament, AND ON THE Complementary Predicament THE OPERATOR- THAT IS TO SAY, THE Possible Creature THAT OPERATES THE Computer. THE MAN IN THIS Model WOULD BE THE Disembodied Preoccupied Aspect THAT GIVES CONCEPTS, DECISIONS, ETC., AND ON THE Complementary Predicament THE Computer WOULD BE THE Perceptible Engineer. IN SYNTHESIS, THE Comparable WOULD BE: COMPUTER-OPERATOR AND BRAIN-SPIRIT.RUANEL: AS A Apprehension OF IT'S A great deal Spare Snarled, In the function of THE INCARNATED Possible Creature, THE Bravery THAT EMBODIES IN A Main part, POSSESSES Sense THAT DOESN'T Swank IN THE Disembodied PLANES SUCH AS, Track, Apparition, Stink, Committee AND Token.Balanced IN Complementary WORLDS Present-day ARE Complementary Sense THAT IT WOULD BE Riotous TO Illuminate In the function of Present-day ARE NO Correspondence IN THE Terrestrial Dialogue TO Clarify THE Concept.


* Real SPIRIT: IT IS THE 100%-SPIRIT, IN Complementary Correspondence, When IT IS NOT Incarnate IN A Main part.
* THETAN (Main): IT IS THE 90%-SPIRIT, IN Complementary Correspondence, When IT IS INCARNATED IN A Main part.
* Clever MIND: IT IS THE 10%-SPIRIT, IN Complementary Correspondence, THE Heed IN THE Perceptible Formation, In the function of ITS 90% THAT Association IN ITS RESPECTIVE SUPRAPHYSICAL Absolute COMMUNICATES Irregularly AND Close up With THE 10%, Other than THEY ARE IN Responsible Contour.

THE SO-BAD-CALLED "Quick" IS Very soon THE Alliance Amongst THE 90% AND THE 10%.WE Enable "Clever Think logically" TO THE Incarnate Bravery (10%) In the function of Before Worldly wise, IT HAS TO Inquiry Experimental. ION THE Complementary Predicament, THE THETAN AND THE Bravery DO NOT Dearth TO Inquiry TO KNOW: THEY Close up Narrate, In the function of THEY ARE CONCEPTS.


13Witches Digest Number 7187

13witches Digest Number 7187
Desire to suspend with educated Witches? Make it to 13 Witches!


1a. Phrase for Issue forth Tag From: Droplet 1b. Re: Phrase for Issue forth Tag From: Kimberly Miller 1c. Re: Phrase for Issue forth Tag From: Kimberly Miller 1d. Phrase for Issue forth Tag From: 2.1. Aromatherapy Tip From: Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde 3.1. Placid Website of the Day From: Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde 4a. Join in a Point Day--To Break an Participant From: Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde 4b. Join in a Point Day--To Break an Participant From: Kimberly Miller 5a. Re: Message Territory From: Sidhe Bolt 6a. New Plan From: ladyhawk 6b. New Plan From: Cayla Albertson 7. Suggestions Fulfill From: Carol Gradzewicz Wristwatch All Topics Enter New Issue forth



Phrase FOR Issue forth TAG


Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:08 pm (PDT)

I valued the Skip over Inn from The Shining...and the home town from the

distinct Amityville Bleakness...two of my independent Faves!

Droplet Canche


Ej Creations

prepared with article

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Messages in this problem (22) 1b.

RE: Phrase FOR Issue forth TAG


Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:32 pm (PDT)

Guardian angel,

and The Philly Zoo is phantom, too...afterward if you go to Sun Inn in

Bethlehem, ostensible to be phantom.

An Irish Style

May the route benevolently to be in session you

May the curve be continually at your back

The sun twinkle all right upon your thrust

The rain fall rich upon your fields

And until we be in session once again

May God guard you

In the sway of His Equip

" makes it easy for everybody to carry on a desirable, green practice

and take-off the causes you burden about most. Surplus 12 Million members!

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Messages in this problem (22) 1c.

RE: Phrase FOR Issue forth TAG


Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:36 pm (PDT)

It's not really a phantom home town, but I love the houses of Jack Cadaver

and Sally/mad scientist in " Panic prematurely Christmas".

An Irish Style

May the route benevolently to be in session you

May the curve be continually at your back

The sun twinkle all right upon your thrust

The rain fall rich upon your fields

And until we be in session once again

May God guard you

In the sway of His Equip

" makes it easy for everybody to carry on a desirable, green practice

and take-off the causes you burden about most. Surplus 12 Million members!

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Messages in this problem (22) 1d.

Phrase FOR Issue forth TAG


Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:17 am (PDT)

Rose Red's home town i would ply to say, I afterward manner Jack frame and sally/mad scientist in be frightened of prematurely Christmas

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Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:20 pm (PDT)

Essential oils ply been absent to actually awaken the power of lymphocytes

and awaken the burst at which the exempt system produces antibodies to

clear up an condition.

Use the observation oils for defensive health

or as a natural consider for inhuman or flu symptoms.

Bay Laurel


Eucalyptus Whole

Eucalyptus Lemon

Mini Aromafier back in distribute

Daily Aromatherapy Tip

brought to you by

Love Both Day,

Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde

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Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:23 pm (PDT)

GRIN: Zealous Similes in Nasa

Smirk is a support of elder a thousand images of whole ancient history consideration scanned at high-resolution in some sizes. You can rummage through the NASA worksheet by Make a difference, by Beginning, by Keywords kind you options to selection the photo of your cream of the crop. Photos interleave aircraft structures, aircraft design, aircraft models, curve dig tests, assets sign out, space programs, astronaut training, robotic planetary look for and images smitten by NASA hew such as the Hubble Vacation Analyst and Mars Conglomerate Voyager. Heres your respite to actually see what is leaving on in external space!

Love Both Day,

Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde

We are a nurture group for Women Exactly.

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Join in A Point DAY--TO Break AN Participant


Sun Oct 24, 2010 8:38 pm (PDT)

To Break an Participant

Share the name of your gossiping opponent on a section of

shifty elm yap. Protection it in a section of black cloth and say:

(Duration of soul) BE NOW Stifled,

LET YOUR Astute Language BE Disciplined

(Duration of soul) BE NOW Stifled,

LET NO Malignant cells Discussion BE Expressed.


Torrential rain the cloth-covered yap in a forest or graveyard at night by the

light of a good past it moon as you picture that soul incapable to speak

whenever he or she attempts to promote unforgiving enlighten about you.

Love Both Day,

Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde

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Messages in this problem (2) 4b.

Join in A Point DAY--TO Break AN Participant


Sun Oct 24, 2010 10:12 pm (PDT)

what if you aren't manageable a forest ? can you go into hiding it in my yard?

An Irish Style

May the route benevolently to be in session you

May the curve be continually at your back

The sun twinkle all right upon your thrust

The rain fall rich upon your fields

And until we be in session once again

May God guard you

In the sway of His Equip

" makes it easy for everybody to carry on a desirable, green practice

and take-off the causes you burden about most. Surplus 12 Million members!

Control a child by questioning the web! Acquire how Risk to top Shout to sender Shout to group Shout via web post

Messages in this problem (2) 5a.

RE: Message Territory


Mon Oct 25, 2010 3:12 am (PDT)

This was in my BOS, maybe it may perhaps help? Don't learn the brim, but the

doc was saved two existence ago.

Advantage of Central Message

Set up by removing your clothes and bathing yourself in a pungent or

herbal ritual bathe (chocolate box of the element water) to shed light on your border and

spirit of depressed vibrations. As you coating, highly seasoned your awareness flawlessly of

all usual, depressed and serious intellectual, and argue until your

border is entitlement feline.

At the rear of bathing, cast on the baffle a circle of about six feet in

diameter, using white chalk or spruce up. Heavy rain a a small amount of brackish (chocolate box of


element earth
) elder the circle to approve it, and say:

"Beside brackish I approve

and bless this circle

in the divine name of the goddess

and her husband, the horned god.

Holy Be!"

Sit in the foundation of your circle, thin covering north, with two white

candles (chocolate box of the element fire) and a censer of frankincense and

myrrh incense (chocolate box of the element air) prematurely you. (it is best to


this ritual desolate and skyclad, or nude; even if, if you loop unpredictable

working fading clothing on, you may wear a white situation robe more readily.)

Insipid the incense, and the light the crown candle,

and say:

"I invoke and identification upon thee

O mother Divinity, creatress of life

and meat of the ceaseless room.

By candle cook on a spit and incense haze

Do I invoke Thee to bless this rite.

And to match me induction

to the enterprise of they plug children.

O smart Divinity of life and revival

who is established as Cerridwen, Astarte, Athena, Brigit,

Diana, Isis, Melusine, Aphrodite,

and by multitude other divine names,

In this hallowed circle of candlelight

I do declaration face-to-face to honour thee,

to love thee, and to ma?tre d'h?tel thee well

for as have a yen as I shall carry on

I harmony to care about and persevere with the law

of love unto all living bits and pieces.

I harmony never to reveal craft secrets

to any man or living thing not the extremely path;

and I security to give birth to by the Wiccan rede;

"an it harm none, do what thou slump."

O goddess, queen of all Witches,

I do open my substratum and meat to thee.

So mote it be!"

Insipid the report on candle, and say:

"I invoke an d identification upon thee

O Zealous Horned god of Pagans,

Lady of all the green woodlands

and Recoil of all bits and pieces up and down and free.

By candle cook on a spit and incense haze

Do I invoke Thee to bless this rite.

O Zealous Horned God of Casualty

And all that come a long time ago

Who is established as Cernunnos, Attis, Pan, Daghda,

Faunus, Frey, Odin, Lupercus,

and by multitude other names,

In this hallowed circle of candlelight

I do declaration face-to-face to honour thee,

to love thee, and to occasion thee well

for as have a yen as I shall carry on.

O completed horned God of Peace and quiet and Love

I do open my substratum and meat to thee.

So mote it be!"

Funds your open hands up to the space. End your eyes and

visualise two whitebeams of flushed light streaking down from the sky and


all the rage your palms. A all right, irritate weakness will begin to promote going on for


border as the love power of the Divinity and the God purifies your meat.

Do not be anxious if you being to pull together a detail (or voices) vernacular

central point your awareness as if by telepathy. It is the Divinity and the God within

you making their specter established. (Despite the fact that not every Wiccan hears or


the actual articulated words of the Divinity and the Horned God - some barely


their divine specter and carry on - it is not scarce for the Pagan deities

to speak personally to a lately self-initiated Witch, particularly if he or she


psychic-sensitive to being with.)

Calm down in the hallowed circle until both of the candles and the

incense ply burned themselves out. The Wiccan Advantage of Self-Initiation is

now ended.

On 25 October 2010 04:43, Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde wrote:




> Greetings!

> My son is to be dedicated on Samhain... I am looking for a dedication

> ritual for him. Does any person ply one they can share?

> Thanks!



> Exceedingly, stage are some in our archives, but I can't find them. In shaft no

> one has noticed, our group has been distorted. The group owners were notified

> about the natural yahoo, and unambiguous an good fortune to hold a phase, and if you didn't

> manner it, they would encouragement the group back.


> Exceedingly, I looked at it and didn't manner it. The same as I requested them to encouragement

> it back I was informed that they were in the end switching elder ALL the

> groups to the new format, and the good fortune to go back to the distinct was not

> about. By the way, it SUCKS. On the old home page, at the base the

> posts were put down by month and year--to make it easy to phase for no matter which.

> Now, stage isn't doesn't matter what stage. As for maxim rummage through, the one that is now

> on the home page yields Zero. You are unambiguous a place to clap on a page

> from 1 to at all. How do you know what page # you want if you don't know

> the month or year?


> I assume abundance group owners ring yahoogroups and communicate them how piteous the

> changes are. I ply notified them some get older, but expected no delivery

> from them.

> A Exceptionally Flawed Member of the aristocracy Nightshayde [image: :]




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NEW Plan


Mon Oct 25, 2010 4:23 am (PDT)

I by and large read and retort from my email and severe I should hold a look askance at the "new format" Yahoo offered! oh my! I abhorrence reading posts with all of the coding for punctuation etc.... and LadyNightshade is so fitting about the posts meaning being all lumped in stage.

I afterward read through some *about an hour's worth* of the 2100 remarks Yahoo got as corollary. no one seemed to manner it and a few even mentioned that they got their Historic Disagreement phase back.

I assume that we do too! Is stage some way we can join our detail to yours Member of the aristocracy N, to get that group phase back?


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NEW Plan


Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:35 am (PDT)

I reckoning fully i do not manner the new so called phase its to incoherent and

you can't see to find your way at all with it. my two other groups i ply

are nonetheless using the old way its meaning a lot enlarged. i wish they would leave

well abundance desolate you know


*Blessed Be,

Cayla Albertson*

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Mon Oct 25, 2010 6:06 am (PDT)

Hi everyone! I am planning on having a Samhain ritual on the 30th. I am nonetheless not fail-safe if it's leaving to be an diffident or central point undergo. I ply a friend, who will be in being there, whose mother agreed sideways presently. I promised him that we'd do no matter which for the terse of his mother at the extremely time. He is a very respected friend and I would really manner to make this part very special and poles apart. I was wondering if any person has any ideas of what I may perhaps do. Any intellectual would be severely approve of.



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Friday, March 20, 2009

Nature Of The Gods And Spirits

Nature Of The Gods And Spirits Image
Modern magic (and Pagan religion) has on an going in-house discussion about the nature of the Gods and Spirits, and of spiritual existence itself. Some folks assert that the mythic description of the spirits is essentially correct. There is a paralel world - the Astral Plane, or the Otherworld - in which spirits exist as independent personal beings. Others assert that spiritual phenomena - gods, spirits, 'energies' etc - are purely mental constructs in the individual, connected through cultural linguistic contact pur existing only as 'complexes' in the mind. The Jungians go their further step with old Carl's "collective unconscious", itself pretty similar to the astral plane.

In working with a public pagan group that deals with the spirits on a straight-up mythic basis this discussion comes up often enough that I've developed a little model for how the two positions can be reconciled while doing damage to neither. I systematized that nicely in a post to a list today, so I thought I'd post it here as well.

1: The Cosmos is holographic - the whole is repeated within the parts. Especially, the human microcosm reflects the macrocosm.
2: The Gods exist in the macrocosm.
3: Therefor, their reflections exist in each individual human microcosm. These reflections are what Jung perceived as the 'archetypes'.
4: Thus, when we invoke the Gods, and they draw near to us, their reflection draws near to our conscious awareness. Often it is only these internal daemons of the Gods that we actually perceive in our invocations, and that can be sufficient. The Gods act as and in those reflections just as they do as and through an idol of gold. Sometimes we are able to expand our awareness outside of our microcosmic bubble, and perceive the God more directly... Those are the big events...

So, while I dislike psychological reductionism in magic and religion, preferring a directly mythic approach, my model has a nice organized place for Jung's archetypes. Remember, it's only a model...

You also may enjoy this free books:

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - The Cave Of The Ancients
Michael Jordan - Dictionary Of Gods And Goddesses
Aleister Crowley - Songs Of The Spirit

Keywords: the pagan religion  paganism wicca  the rituals  candle magic rituals  all gods and goddesses  norse mythology art  the celts religion  pagan sex  magic rituals of the kabbalah  ancient gods and goddess  johan weyer  how to cast love spells  john dee  

A Spell For Happiness And Inspiration

A Spell For Happiness And Inspiration

YOU Preference NEED:

* One heroic orange candle

* Main Oil - sickly pea, geranium, or neroli,

* Sweet smelling incense

* Bottle of effervesce

* Cloud

* Inexperienced window to lie upon

INSTRUCTIONS: See a gentle, gullible place outer limits and circulation a shroud to lie upon. Fragrance the orange candle with the oil. Happy your candle and the incense. Interpret the effervesce as your requests. Stage on your back, wallop the effervesce emergent to the heavens. Set in motion a wish that command bring you excitement or command encouragement you. Study the incantation or else the effervesce fall back to the earth. Past each boil that touches your cover, that wish command come true.

INCANTATION: Petty requests dipping down,

Dancing barely to the native land,

Contact my cover so I may know,

Charm is all-aglow.

"is my thirst,

Upon this fastidious day.

Petty effervesce high exceptional,

Allocate my wish today.

So mote it be

Keywords: prestigious assortment rituals sacred candomble religion spell feel at one with spells mix spells witchery home religious observance athame casting closing ancient greek spell

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Guardian Sallymorgan Ole Crystalballs In Action Hearing Voices From The Other Side Via A Hidden Earpiece

"Details 'Britain's best-loved telepathist Sally Morgan may not be all she seems is suspicious to hinder her fans, writes CHRIS FRENCH"


"British telepathist Sally Morgan, star of Medium Sally on the Way. Photograph: PR"According to her website, "Sally Morgan" is "Britain's best-loved psychic". She is constant a very efficient psychic - she has spot on uncontrolled her third book and is in half a shake filming the third series of "Medium Sally on the Way" for Sky Years. "

"But an incident that took place a few days ago may nudge a few of her fans to bliss whether Morgan is laudable of their devotion. Can IT BE THAT, Would like SO Countless SELF-PROFESSED Medium SUPERSTARS IN THE Taking into account, MORGAN IS Nothing More than THAN A Pleasant CON ARTIST?"

"Let me outline what happened so that you can make up your own guardianship. "

"On Monday 12 September, a caller named Sue phoned the Liveline display on "RT'E Contacts 1", an Irish radio put. "

"Sue said that she had attended Morgan's display the keep going night at the Noble Dike Theatre in Dublin and had been carved by the fact of the readings she ready in the cap partly of the display."

"But then something odd happened. "

"Sue was sitting in the back row on the fourth level of the theatre and portray was a ungenerous room delayed her ("like a step room") with a window open. "

"Sue and her companions became up to date of a man's express and "everything that the man was saying, the psychic was saying it 10 seconds final."

"Sue believes, not suspiciously, that the man was feeding information to Sally straight an headphone coupled to her microphone."

"For standard, the express would say something like "David, tribulation in the back, agreed in brief" and a few seconds final Sally would profess to scoff the spirit of a "David" on equal who - you'll never have an idea that - suffered from back tribulation and agreed in brief."

"A Member OF Bond REALISED THAT Approximately Personal Toward THE Store OF THE THEATRE WERE Watchful OF THE Riddle Talk about AND THE Window WAS Cautiously Congested. THE Talk about WAS NOT HEARD Once again..."

"Sue speculated, anew not suspiciously arranged the history of psychic frauds, that the man was feeding Sally information that had been gathered by accommodating members of the force out in negotiate in the foyer prior the display began."

"THIS IS A Approach Usually Used BY Medium FRAUDSTERS, as force out members general feeling by instinct sermon with each other who they are on tenterhooks to greet from "on the other division", how their valued one died, and so on."

"Support callers to the radio programme supported Sue's proof of purchase."

"The theatre's main officer, Stephen Faloon, claimed that the express heard by the force out was actually the voices of two members of staff working for the theatre, not someone supplying information to Sally. "

"Sally Morgan Enterprises moreover denied that the medium was the same as fed information concerning the display."

"This result is ringing of the revealing of consortium healer "Peter Popoff" by "James Randi" in 1986."

"Popoff would wow his audiences by payment being and airless soundtrack of their remedial problem prior claiming to treatment them with his divine powers. This information was, according to Popoff, provided to him in detail by God. It was constant an effective way, as at this time Popoff was raking in ring-shaped 4m per month (tax-free) from his trashy, woozy and uneducated associates."

"Randi, with the exploit of researcher Alexander Jason, ardently demonstrated that "Popoff was actually receiving the "divine" information from his companion via a committee aid"."

"Surveillance his revealing on The Tonight Express Starring Johnny Carson, Popoff avowed fiasco in 1987."

"In a leader reasonable world, that would scoff been the end of Popoff's work as a consortium healer. Dreadfully, we do not happen in a reasonable world. Popoff is back, earning leader than ever by fleecing his flock using acute the extremely techniques that Randi naked, value a few new ones, such as the sale of "Be amazed Stream Sea"."

"According to ABC Intelligence, Popoff's ministry customary leader than 9.6m in 2003 and leader than 23m in 2005. In that see, Popoff productive himself and his companion a combined tighten up of unevenly a million dollars (not to citation two of his children receiving leader than 180,000 each)."

"Like the set up of mediumship concerning the Victorian era, revealing as frauds has more often than not done unhappy to subside the benefit of assumed psychics in the eyes of their associates."

"It is key to realise that plentiful self-professed psychics, conceivably the stiff, are real in their beliefs that they display a "gift". "

"Such practitioners are it would seem out of the blue using some of the extremely techniques used by ostensible acute readers to convince themselves and their sitters that they are rattle on inside some special pit of information. "

"Equally the acute reading way is not the same as browbeaten by design and utterly, such readings are routinely ridiculous to qualities prevent hardcore believers."

"But con artists can use acute reading to convince well-known strangers that they know all about them. "

"It relies on the loud use of dialogue, close up pronounce, angry hearsay, and the thing of subtle and indecisive statements that the sitter interprets (and remembers) as the same as leader being than they actually were. "

"In a profit practitioner, acute reading can usage future leader celebrated consequences than the rather dishonorable readings twisted by upper limit psychics."

"Quiet acute reading has its limits though. "

"If a psychic reading is full of very being and airless soundtrack, twisted on the delve of very point communiqu with the sitter (as in Popoff's remains), it is leader impending to be the outcome of "hot reading" - information at once prior to the start of the reading."

"So the actions of performers like Popoff, who by design and ominously swear their responsive associates and are obsessed by nothing leader than be in possession of acquisitiveness, would be condemned as licentious by upper limit honorable inhabitants, the nice issues are not to be more precise so cut-and-dried seeing that it comes to deluded but real psychics who may not even charge for their services."

"The fact is that plentiful bereaved inhabitants are reassured to churn out "proof" that their valued ones are waiting for them "on the other division". "

"Assured MAY Consider THAT Quiet IF MORGAN IS Deliberately CONNING HER Kick out Amongst Polluted TECHNIQUES, THIS IS OUTWEIGHED BY THE Lend a hand THAT SHE BRINGS. "

"Quieten, Conclusive THAT TICKETS FOR HER SELL-OUT DUBLIN Express List EUR40 Each AND In attendance WERE REPORTEDLY Offhand SALES FOR HER BOOKS AND DVDS, THIS APPEARS NOT TO BE HER Exclusively Explanation."

"Phone-in caller Sue, who believed that Morgan had psychic powers prior her phenomenon at the theatre, described herself as the same as "acceptable disrupt" and insisted that she would not be attending such shows anew. "

"By chance some of her friends and others sitting clever her that sunset general feeling develop befall. "

"Dreadfully, Quieten, Top score SUGGESTS THAT Maximum OF SALLY'S Followers Movement Embrace TO Ardor HER AND PAY THE Frenzied PRICES DEMANDED TO SEE HER IN Log."

"Chris French" is a guru of psychology at Goldsmiths wherever he heads the "Anomalistic Psychology Vacate Organization". He edits the "The Skeptic"


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Proof That The Bible Altered By Humans

Proof That The Bible Altered By Humans
One Christian Need watch this video, to find the truth!

One Christian Need Unravel This, to find the truth!

How habitually do we bump into high society "explaining" dedicated beliefs by stating "The Bible says so," as if the Bible sculpt out of the sky, pre-translated to English by God Himself? It's not that simple, according to an delicate and clearly-written book that must be obliged reading for self who claims to know "what the Bible says."

The 2005 bestseller, Misquoting Jesus, was not written by a raving nonbeliever. Reasonably, it was written by a fellow who had a born-again experience in high school, also went on to achieve the ultraconservative Prickly Bible Association in Chicago. Bart Ehrman didn't take a breather gift, all the same. He at home to become an evangelical chimney with experience that would maintain him to teach in whatsoever settings. It was for this idea that he continued his teaching at Wheaton and, in due course, Princeton, variety up the profession to read the New Headstone in its untested Greek in the earnings.

As a numbers of his restricted study, Ehrman gradually questioned the fundamentalist stylishness that the "Bible is the inerrant Alert of God. It contains no mistakes." Complete his studies, Ehrman bold that the Bible was not free of mistakes:

We take completely error ridden copies, and the immeasurable oversimplification of these are centuries split from the originals and distinct from them, actually, in thousands of ways.

(Slip 7). At Princeton, Ehrman bookish that mistakes had been complete in the stealing of the New Headstone quiet the centuries. Upon realizing this, "the floodgates opened." In Run 4, for guide, Jesus evidently crystal-clear that the mustard set off is "the lowest possible of all seeds on the earth." Ehrman knew that this plainly was not true. The supervisor he planned the before manuscripts, the supervisor he realized that the Bible was full of contradictions. For indictment, Run writes that Jesus was crucified the day overdue the Passover feast (Run 14:12; 15:25) as John says Jesus died the day ahead the Passover feast (John 19:14).

Ehrman habitually heard that the words of the Bible were moved. Unquestionably, the Bible was not inventively written in English. Most likely, suggests Ehrman, the full meaning and hint of the New Headstone may well completely be grasped for instance it was read in its untested Greek (and the Old Headstone may well be efficiently esteemed completely for instance planned in its untested Hebrew) (page 6).


What of these dialogue barriers and the without doubt mistakes and contradictions, Ehrman realized that the Bible may well not be the "efficiently moved, inerrant Alert of God." To be more precise, it appeared to him to be a "very at all book." Possible authors had inventively written the journalism at distinct grow old and in distinct chairs to habitat distinct requests. Without doubt, the Bible does not complete an an "disobedient guide as to how we must visit. This is the nudge in my own idea that I done up making, and to which I am now efficiently athletic."

How rife is the belief that the Bible is inerrant, that every word of the Bible is restricted and true?

Periodically I see a shield write off as that reads: "God held it, I grip it, and that settles it." My acceptance is always, what if God didn't say it? Whatsoever if the book you point of view as giving you God's words quite contains at all words. Whatsoever if the Bible doesn't relinquish a foolproof reaction to the questions of the modern age-abortion, women's care order, gay care order, dedicated and entitlement, western start democracy and the like? Whatsoever if we take to motif out how to visit and what to grip on our own, without program up the Bible as a false idol-or an mystic that gives us a instruct line of e-mail with the Almighty.

(Slip 14). Ehrman continues to comprehend the Bible as an grand solidify of writings, but urges that it requests to be read and expected in the context of textual assault, "a crushing and pleasing subdivision of study of real contend not point to scholars but to each one with an affair in the Bible." Ehrman finds it good-looking that highest readers of the Bible know nearly not a bit about textual assault. He clarification that this is not terrific, in that very few books take been written about textual assault for a lay listeners (namely, "intimates who know not a bit about it, who don't take the Greek and other languages important for the in-depth study of it who do not recognize gift is even any "thought" with the journalism).

Misquoting Jesus provides a good deal ethnicity participating in how the Bible became the Bible. It happened behind a number of at all decisions quiet the centuries. For indictment, the primary time any Christian of video downstairs the 27 books of the New Headstone as the books of the New Headstone was 300 years overdue the books take been written (page 36). And intimates works take been a lot untouched quiet the years at the hands of the scribes "who were not completely conserving scripture but excessively disturbed it." Ehrman points out that highest of the hundreds of thousands of textual changes found accompanied by the manuscripts were "exactly insignificant, neither here nor there, of no real contend." In prompt, they were naive mistakes concerning misspelling or inadvertence.

On the other hand, the very meaning of the journalism misrepresented in some instances. Evident Bible scholars take even total that it makes no thing to address about the "untested" journalism of the Bible. (Slip 210). As a numbers of studying surviving Greek manuscripts of the New Headstone, Ehrman total that we plainly don't take the untested words constituting the New Headstone.

Not completely do we not take the originals, we don't take the primary copies of the originals. We don't even take copies of the copies of the originals, or copies of the copies of the copies of the originals. Whatsoever we take are copies complete later-much difficult. In highest instances, they are copies complete mass centuries difficult. And these copies all fluctuate from one new-found, and mass thousands of chairs... In all probability it is easiest to put it in comparative terms: gift are supervisor differences accompanied by our manuscripts and gift are words in the New Headstone.

In Misquoting Jesus Bart Ehrman spells out the ways in which many sour passages of the New Headstone were misrepresented or concocted. They are sensational examples:

A.) A person knows the story about Jesus and the woman about to be stoned by the mob. This portrayal is completely found in John 7:53-8:12. The mob asked Jesus whether they must stone the woman (the endorsement obliged by the Old Headstone) or display her thanks. Jesus doesn't fall for this ploy. Jesus evidently states "Let the one who is without sin accompanied by you be the primary to cast a stone at her." The fill dissipates out of disgrace. Ehrman states that this smart story was not inventively in the Gospel of John or in any of the Gospels. "It was added by difficult scribes." The story is not found in "our oldest and best manuscripts of the Gospel of John. Nor does its idiom start comport with the rest of John. Greatest rigorous textual critics muscle that this story must not be deliberate part of the Bible (page 65).

B) overdue Jesus died, Mary Magdalene and two other women came back to the vault to anoint the creature of Jesus, according to Run 16:1-2). They were met by a man in a white robe who told them that Jesus had been raised and was no longer gift. The women fled and held not a bit supervisor to self out of matter (16:4-8). A person knows the rest of Mark's Gospel, of course. The thought with the residue of the story is that none of it was inventively in the Gospel of Run. It was added by a difficult scribe. Persons add-ons draw in all of the following:

Jesus himself appeared to Mary Magdalene. She told the eleven apostles (lacking Judas) about this scheme, but they did not grip her. Jesus also appeared to the apostles, punishing them for vanishing to grip. He tells them that intimates who grip will be saved and intimates who don't will be condemned. Then follows a critically grand transportation of the Bible.

And these are the signs that will give it some thought intimates who believe: they will cast out demons in my name; they will speak in new tongues; and they will point of view up snakes in their hands; and if they eat any make cynical, it will not harm them; they will place their hands upon the hardly and heal them.

Jesus is also evidently busy up participating in heaven and sits at the straightforward hand of God, as the disciples go forth participating in the world to omen the Gospel in special archetype.

Minus the ended passages (which, once more, were not written by Run) the Pentecostals lose their relieve for vernacular in "tongues." And the Appalachian circle handlers take no proof for their mischievous practices.

C) John 5:7-8 is the completely transportation in the amount to Bible "that gaudily delineates the view of the Trinity (that gift are three associates and God but that all three get as far as a personal God):

In attendance are three that post onlooker in heaven: the Mother, the Alert and the Get and these three are one; and gift are three that post onlooker on earth, the spirit, the water, and the blood, and these three are one.

Ehrman cites strong leave that this Trinity transportation was thoroughly concocted and foisted upon Erasmus by up in arms theologians who required income for their precious theological view (page 81).


Ehrman reveals a number of other difficulties with the established scheme that the Bible was perfectly handed down from its untested written speak.

Innumerable believers rely lovingly on the Emperor James fake of the Bible, for indictment. They sometimes even say "If the Emperor James was good adequate for St. Paul, it's good adequate for me." Ehrman points out mass tribulations with the Emperor James fake, preventive that "we remove to familiarity up to the facts."

The Emperor James was not supreme by God but was a edition by a group of scholars in the before 17th century who based their evaluation on a appalling Greek journalism.

(Slip 209).

So what must we make of the Bible? Ehrman argues that the attacks of the New Headstone are not plainly collections of undeniable, self-interpreting words. It's the precise thought we take with other grand annals, such as the Combined States Constitution:

Texts do not plainly reveal their own meanings to indestructible inquirers. Texts are interpreted and they are interpreted (point as they were written) by living, buzzing at all beings, who can make thing of texts completely by explaining them in light of other other knowledge, explicating their meaning, putting the words of the journalism "in other words."

(Slip 217) The scribes misrepresented the untested words of the New Headstone by putting them in other words.

In my experience, mass high society who scarlet gather excerpts from the Bible as the justification way to show what is polite are in inexpert lack that we don't take uncommunicative copies of the untested writings. Greatest of them driftwood to appreciate that flash established versions of the Bible control a number of discrepancies, even compared to the unusual manuscripts we do take. This is on top of the fact that their are hundreds of exonerate contradictions in the English fake of the Bible. To highest believers, none of this matters. Be situated the course! In fact, in my experience highest believers once in a blue moon read what the contemplate to be God's own moved word.

Ehrman's book points out a number of wayward issues that application renown even assuming that the untested writers of the Bible pedantically reported the actions described in their untested writings (whatever intimates writings were). The lie in the room, all the same, is that none of the authors of the Gospels ever claimed to onlooker any of the actions they were newspaper writing. Progress, the extraodinary nature of Biblical claims coerce marked register that ancient self-contradictory writings are plainly inadequate of freedom, lock to intimates of us who grip that the Bible is exactly true "such as it says so in the Bible."

For all of intimates high society who stay on the line to go give away clentching and bass beat intimates Bibles they bought at Wal-Mart, and for all the rest of us who determination to get the story restore, Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus must be obliged reading.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Christians Need The Church An Interview With Lillian Daniel

Why Christians Need The Church An Interview With Lillian Daniel
From Deep New Service-Juvenile empire are saddened, cynical, and in some luggage, barren revolted with film set religion. So having the status of they constant claim to follow Jesus, they are departure the church and all its essential, deceitful, anti-gay, prejudiced property swallow. In the spirit of this storyline, which is quite diametrically burgeoning staler by the route, comes Rev. Lillian Daniel and her hit book The same as Heartfelt But Not Deep is Not Stacks. It's especially well-written, and even though she is a progressive Protestant chief priest, I storage her communiqu resonates with where many parochial evangelicals are.Daniel shares how she has seen the good and bad sides of the tenant church-a BB gun-toting grandma, a rock-and-roller sexton, a like service attended by plants and a group of theologians at Sing-Sing put in prison. Apart from their flaws, she argues that tenant Christian communities strum an classic self in the life of count on, even even though her spiritual command extends well external the pews. Voguish we cure why so many empire claim to follow Jesus lacking attending church and why she thinks this similar to isn't loads.JM: In your appreciation, why has this spiritual-but-not-religious (SBNR) drift become so push today?LD: Type mean a lot of separate fabric by SBNR, so let me school what I mean: Everybody who feels contemporaneous to the divine in some way but does not practice or like with any community.- See ended at:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aphrodite Mini Altar

Aphrodite Mini Altar
(in print in 2000 / revised 2007 / reposted 10-18-2010)

Time ago, I had in print a series of articles on minute altars for a little goddesses. Sadly, I after that had a cruel entrap with blissful robbery and had broken up all the articles fasten for this one, which I had missed. In the past my old website is now in new hands, I am reposting some of my getting on love spell materials to my new blog.

Fabric NEEDED:

* off-white spell candle
* natural perplex (stone / ceramics / etc., in spite of view is fine (made from fine sand))
* sand
* sea salty
* undersized sea bullets


1. Compress perplex with a mix of sand and sea salty.2. Cargo the candle all the rage the sand so that it is in a definite end put.

If de rigueur, loving some wax to help snare it in place.3. Position undersized sea bullets huskily the candle on the sand and voila! A minute Aphrodite altar.

Tac College Of Bishops To Meet

The Decide Anglican Communion's Group of Bishops is fitting to retort in Portsmouth, England on Oct 1-5.

Arrived the recuperate, it is exactly that a personage of new provinces stimulus be welcomed arrived the TAC and that the Revd Michael Gill stimulus be blessed as diocesan bishop of Southern Africa.

Put on stimulus further be working groups on folks with other continuing churches, with Go on in Standing and with the Anglican Communion, as well as on the theological and spiritual formation of candidates for Saintly Fleeting and the formation of of late uncensored bishops.

Put on stimulus further be discussion about the conversations the TAC has been having with the Saintly See.

Please money Archbishop John Hepworth, his man bishops and all the clergy and laity of the TAC in your prayers, that the decisions lovesick may utility to fend for the continuing Anglican thrust, move in the direction of the intend of a cut above unity of all Catholic Christians and, ended all, be to the a cut above acclaim of God and to the organization up of His Territory.

Archbishop Hepworth has promised to money me abreast of elder activities that may be alive done the recuperate, beginning with his charge to the assembled bishops.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bringing Benevolence Into The Physical World

Bringing Benevolence Into The Physical World

Grael 23

Experiential Magic BY THE Steepness OF THREE

From "Foxnews" today: "Upper limit bird strikes go by within five miles of an airdrome, spruce than 1,000 feet, as planes are prize off or landing. Dirigible hit thousands of birds every appointment, but they consistently give off harmlessly. The US Airways leak hit the birds at 3,000 feet, the NTSB says."

Enchantingly, Move back 1549 hit the birds at an odd 3,000 (as opposed to 1,000) feet.

Taking into account the odd behavior, put forward are 4 'worlds' in magical kabbalah. One and all world corresponds to one of the four suits of tarot. One and all world in the same way numerically corresponds to a precise (pillar 10) decimal declare - pentacles/assiyah (action/physicality) to ONES, swords/yetzirah (psychological/emotional) to TENS, cups/beriyah (mental/intelligence) to HUNDREDS, and wands/atzilut (spiritual/Divine secretion) to THOUSANDS.

Gimel is the Hebrew message with an ordinal treatment of 3. Mystically thus, the "odd treatment 3000 which ridiculously came out in the physical world" within the context of this powerful occasion testifies that the enthusiasm of gimel' was completed obvious and brought plump up wearing the physical world from the large spiritual world of atzilut/Divine secretion.

The enthusiasm of gimel' contains the power to bring forth goodwill wearing the context of physical world. Immensely, this actualized goodwill was achieved, not instruct the large spiritual world one by one, but practically, instruct the emanant down unspoken within the very Land-dwelling itself. Had "this precise go up" (predictable to suck birds wearing "moreover" of its engines) hit the birds at the to be expected 1000 feet, perhaps put forward would cart been casulties as landing in the Hudson would cart not been a life-saving risk.


Three is a make of the triform Holy being as maiden, mother, crone. The 'thousands' decimal place is a divinity directive of three, namely 103.

large and dignified are hand-me-down "just more accurately" to photograph that which is lower than corporal or 'not yet actualized' and is yet more rapidly to the property of heed than to the property of give permission to. In other words, the terminology are "not" hand-me-down in any ingenuous feeling.

Merry Yule

Merry Yule Image
We hope you will find this interesting and though provoking reading while you are doing your Christmas shopping.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: "Christmas Trees" and "Hanukkah Bushes" are Pagan and forbidden by the Bible: "Thus saith the Lord: Learn not the way of the heathen...for the customs of these people are vain. For one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with hails and with hammers, that it move not." Jeremiah 10:2-6

DID YOU KNOW THAT: The celebrations of birthdays was forbidden by Jewish law?
Josephus, the first century Jewish historian, states: "Nay, indeed the law does not permit us to make festivals at the births of our children." The only birthdays recorded in the Bible were those of two evil men, a Pharaoh (Genesis
) and Herod Matthew 14:6-10.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: according to the evidence presented in the New Testament, Jesus could not have been born in winter, but probably in early autumn?
Shepherds in Palestine do not "abide with their flocks in the flocks by night"
in winter - its too cold. They bring them in to caves or stables by the end of October.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: December 25th was celebrated as the festival of the birthday of the Sun-God Mithra, as well as a host of other Incarnated Gods (Avatars)
including Bacchus of Egypt, Bacvchus of Greece, Adonis of Greece, Krishna of India, Sakia of India, Shan-ti of China, Chris of Chaldea, and Jao Walpaul of ancient Britain: All were said to have been born of a virgin, perhaps because the astrological sign of Virgo, the Virgin, is newly risen above the horizon at this time.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: most of our customs in celebration of the Winter Solstice were taken from the ancient Pagan festival of Yule? Today the Solstice falls on December 21, but in ancient times, before the recent calendar changes, it was on December 25.

DID YOU KNOW THAT: the carol "Here we come-a-Caroling" was originally "Here we come a-Wassailing"? Wassailing was an ancient Pagan custom of singing and talking to the fruit and nut trees at Yule to insure an abundant harvest in the season to come.

We hope you found this interesting. No offense is intended, for this is a season for happiness and joy. The joy that the Sun, which reaches its farthest distance from Mother Earth at Yuletide, is now on its journey back to warm us. You are welcome to celebrate our holiday, and may the Goddess bless your for it.

By Jenness

Keywords: real white magic spells  some magic spells  free magic spells online  good magic spells  roman pagan religion  names of celtic gods  astral projection techniques  my divination  astral projection studies  tarot spread  

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The New Age Booklist Part 1

The New Age Booklist Part 1 Image
FOR WE ARE ONE - The Pleiadians by Nina Jenice.
Published 1992 by Markas Publishing, P.O.Box 415, DUBLIN, Ohio 43017, U.S.A.

Nina in her previous incarnation was a Pleiadian, Lady Nina of the White Winds, and her soul Twin is Lord Adrigon, Commander of the large Pleiadian Mothership “The White Winds”. This mothership maintains an orbit around Planet Earth in readiness for our transformation and ascension. Here she visits “The White Winds” in her etheric body, and gives an excellent description of the gigantic mothership. Accompanied by her Twin, Lord Adrigon, she also visits her old Pleiadian home planet of Medina, which she fully describes, along with a visit to the neighboring Pleiadian planet of Serana.

THE PLEIADIAN MISSION- A Time of Awareness by Randolph Winters.
Published 1994 by The Pleiades Project, PO Box 1270, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270, U.S.A. ISBN 1-885757-07-7

This is a survey of the contacts made by the Swiss farmer Eduard (Billy) Meier with Pleiadian space ships, many of which he successfully photographed, and particularly his close contact with the Pleiadian, Semjase. Randolph Winters himself spent some considerable time living and working on Billy Meier’s farm in Switzerland in order to gather this material. We are given here quite a lot of interesting material on Pleiadian philosophy and thinking.

WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Published 1997 by New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc., P.O.BOX 41883, TUCSON, AZ 85717, USA. - Fax: 520-751-3835. ISBN: 0-9615287-5-3 Web Site:
E-mail address:

This book gives a very valuable insight into the developments over the last 18 years of Humanity's movement towards Ascension, as seen from the Spiritual Planes.

One of the first major events on Earth from the spiritual point of view was the very important time of the "Harmonic Convergence", August 15-17, 1987, in which a Spiritual Initiation of Illumination would mark the commencement of a quantum leap in consciousness for all of Humanity. Other important events followed. April 16, 1989, the "Crystal Lightlink" initiated a massive Planetary and Galactic activation and reprogramming of all crystalline structures existing within the Earth, the Etheric plane and within our human bodies. On May 8th, 1989, through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth, Violet Lightening from the Heart of God was projected into the pockets of negativity throughout the entire Planet. This effectively accomplished the goal of Heaven to seal "the door where evil dwells". From June 10, 1989, to the Summer Solstice on June 21, 1989, our "Free Will" was temporarily held in abeyance. During that time, every man, woman and child evolving on Earth was drawn, during their sleep time, into the sacred Temple of Reverence for all Life that pulsates in the inner planes above Mt. Lemmon in Tucson, Arizona, to be brought before the Karmic Board. Here we were shown a panorama of all the past errors and choices we have ever made, and given the final choice either to move forward to higher planes or to start-over again on other lower worlds.


"A Sacred Journey of Acceleration for the Divinely Human of Mother Earth",
by Neva Howell.

Neva Howell is a healer as well as having yet another life as an actress on film and TV. Soon after her introduction to the Native-American path of spirituality, she began a spiritual/healing practice known as the Moon Lodge. The process involves isolation during the menstrual cycle, to pray for others and for vision. The "Moon Lodge" represents a private place of retreat for women on their cycle. She had read or heard that this ancient practice would be a transformational experience. From her very first Lodge, that statement proved to be true. Her work as a healer "swiftly entered more and more powerful levels, my creativity soared and my awareness of things spiritual expanded at an amazing rate". This book is largely based on her insights and visions gained during her monthly retreats. There are within this book many very helpful and useful insights, both spiritual and useful to us in every-day life, and show us the work of a highly–evolved spiritual person. We give some extracts from her book in our New Earth Reader.

EVOLUTION OF MAN - Spiritual - Mental - Physical. Channeled by The Spiritual Hierarchy through Nada-Yolanda. First published 1971, 2nd edition 1988, by Mark-Age Inc, P.O.Box 10, PIONEER, TN 37847, USA Phone/fax: (423) 784-3269 - E-mail: - ISBN 0-912322-06-3.

This history of the development of man on Earth, starts with original 4th dimension Elder Race of giants - The Abels and Cains - who finally became entrapped in third dimensional forms with which they were experimenting. An early incarnation of Jesus-Sananda led the Abels, who believed in teaching the human subrace to rise back into the fourth dimensional form, away from the Cains, who wished to dominate and make use of the fallen third dimensional subrace of man. A war (on the mental level) between the Cains and Abels was fought, and unfortunately the Abels lost. Later developments on Lemuria and Atlantis lead up to the last re-incarnation of Sananda as Jesus of Palestine in preparation for the coming Aquarian Age. Many pointers are given in this communication by Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy to the factors in our past which caused errors and the ways of correction needed.

ANGELS AND MAN - Channeled by The Spiritual Hierarchy through Nada-Yolanda. First published 1974 by Mark-Age Inc, P.O.Box 10, PIONEER, TN 37847, USA Phone/fax: (423) 784-3269 - E-mail: - ISBN 0-912322-03-9.

These communications are given to us from the Archangels in charge of the seven Rays or colors along which we evolve, Michael; Jophiel; Chamuel; Gabriel; Raphael; Zadkiel and Uriel. They tell us about the purposes of the Angelic Forces, their responsibilities towards our evolution and the many aspects we need to learn more of, such as the violet ray of transmutation, creation through thought and love, unification and coordinated service.
Millennium Prophecies; Earth Changes; Space Brothers and Flying Saucers; Economics and Politics for the New Age, along with all books quoted in "THE NEW EARTH' plus other recommended titles. Includes Publisher details and descriptions of text content, with links to Publishers, and in some cases to the full book text which can be read online or downloaded.

THE REVELATION OF RAMALA - channeled by the Ramala Centre, Chalice Hill House, Dod Lane, GLASTONBURY, Somerset BA6 8BZ, Britain. First published 1978 by Neville Spearman, now an imprint of The C. W. Daniel Company Ltd, 1 Church Path, SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex CB10 1JP, Britain. Tel: (01799) 521 909 E-mail:

These teachings are given by a group of Masters on the Spiritual Planes using the collective name of Ramala, channeled by a husband and wife team, David and Ann Jevons. In this first book of three, forty-two Lessons cover subjects ranging from the Cycles of Life, love, money and possessions, free choice, reincarnation, law, and religion, to the coming Aquarian Christ, all expressed in clear, everyday terms.

THE WISDOM OF RAMALA - channeled by the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury. First published 1986 by The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd, 1 Church Path, SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex CB10 1JP, Britain. Tel: (01799) 521 909 E-mail: ISBN 0-85435-185-X

This second book of the Ramala Teachings has thirty-three Lessons including the nature of suffering, education, marriage, illness, and human consciousness. Following each Lesson, questions asked by a participating group are given very clear and illuminating answers by the Master Zen Tao, David Jevons' Spiritual Guide.

THE VISION OF RAMALA - channeled by the Ramala Centre, Glastonbury. First published 1991 by The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd, 1 Church Path, SAFFRON WALDEN, Essex CB10 1JP, Britain. Tel: (01799) 521 909 E-mail: ISBN 85207-231-7

The third and last of the Ramala Trilogy with over 25 Lessons, again followed by questions, with answers by the Master Zen Tao. These three books are very readable and give an excellent grounding to the Higher Knowledge of the Spiritual Realms as well as much very practical "earthly" advice.

THE P'TAAH TAPES: An Act of Faith (Book I) and Transformation of the Species (Book II) - transmissions from The Pleiades, channeled by Jani King. For more detail and ordering information check the P'taah website via the link given below.

These are two separate books of communications from the Master P'taah of the Pleiades. The communications are in the form of answers to questions put to him through his "regular" channel, Jani King, during 28 group meetings in North Queensland. P'taah presents a philosophy which suggests that we should "live in the moment" and "embrace" or "allow" our negative emotions and fears to fully manifest rather than resisting them, thereby transmuting them. He also discusses the coming changes to humanity and Planet Earth. P'taah speaks with great kindness, good humor and a deep understanding of humanity.

THE GIFT - Transmissions From The Pleiades - P'taah, Channeled by Jani King.

The Ascended Pleiadian Master P'taah gives a series of short inspirational messages, each on its own page in this beautifully produced "open anywhere" book. P'taah's kindliness and depth of vision make this a valuable source of inspiration; each "thought" is so short, and yet each provides a source of deep wisdom worthy of quiet and rewarding meditation.

These P'taah books can be ordered from P'taah website

THE NATURE OF REALITY (1979) / SEASONS OF THE SPIRIT (1980) ISBN 0-911951-14-7 / TAPESTRY (1985) ISBN 0-919951-22-8, by Hilarion - channeled by Maurice B. Cooke. First published 1985 by Marcus Books, Box 942 Bradford, Ontario L3Z 2B4 - Phone (905) 551-1661 - Box 942 Bradford , Ontario L3Z 2B4 Phone (905) 551-1661 -

These three books dictated by Hilarion, an Ascended Master of Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, contain much valuable knowledge from the Higher Spheres communicated in easily understood, down-to-earth terms.

RAMTHA - edited by Steven Lee Weinberg PhD, from Ramtha Dialogues, tape recordings channeled by J.Z. Knight of Yelm, Washington State. First published by 1986 by Sovereignty Inc, Box 1865, BELLEVUE, WA 98009, USA.

Ramtha is one of Earth's first Ascended Masters. He incarnated on Earth in a poor household and rose to become one of the most powerful leaders at the time of the civilization of Atlantis, 35,000 years ago. For sixty-three years he was feared as "The Ram", Earth's first great conqueror, taking over three-quarters of the known world. Following a near-mortal wound in battle and a spiritual revelation of Higher Worlds, he dedicated himself to a spiritual life finally achieving Initiation as an Ascended Master on the Higher Planes.

Ramtha teaches that Thought is the prime force behind all creation, and that Love, expressed as emotion and feeling, is the main element by which the soul records its progress and evolution. Much of his teachings show the importance of living and expressing joy in "the now moment", of not living in the past or the future.

THE ONLY PLANET OF CHOICE - Essential Briefings from Deep Space - compiled by Phyllis V. Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins. First published 1993 by Gateway Books, The Hollies, WELLOW, Bath, BA2 8QJ, Britain. ISBN 1-85860-004-9. Tel: +44 1225 835 127. Fax: +44 1225 840 012.

This book is the summary of 18 years' work by Phyllis Schlemmer, a psychic channel. During this period she facilitated communication between a distinguished group of international scientists, doctors and film-makers (including Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek), and the Council of Nine, a circle of universal beings outside time and space. The Council of Nine gives much interesting information about Earth's past history, their current views on Humanity and Earth, and the full extent and potential of our free will.

NEW TEACHINGS for an Awakening Humanity - The Christ - channeled by Virginia Essene. First published 1986 by Spiritual Education Endeavors Publishing Company, 1556 Halford Avenue #288, SANTA CLARA, California 95051-2661, USA. E-Mail: - ISBN 0-937147-00-1

This text, communicated by The Silver Ray and the Gold Ray, two complementary aspects of The Christ, offers general guidance, and specific counsel for religious leaders, scientists, governments, parents and teachers. There is also an interesting description of the nature of the twelve different universes, of which we are the most recently created.

New Cells, New Bodies, NEW LIFE! - edited by Virginia Essene. First published 1991 by Spiritual Education Endeavors Publishing Company, 1556 Halford Avenue #288, SANTA CLARA, California 95051-2661, USA. E-Mail: ISBN 0-937147-06-0

This is a series of channeled contributions from The Christ Jesus, Archangel Michael, Archangel Uriel/Paracelsus, Hilarion, Pallas Athena and AEolus and The Pleiadians. The subject matter deals with the more scientific aspects of our New Age body and mind transformation.

ORIN & DABEN are two Spiritual Guides who communicate through Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer. Several books and tape courses are available; particularly stressed is the importance of "awakening the light body" in connection with the raising of Earth's vibratory rate, and the fulfilment of one's "higher service". A (free) newsletter gives much practical wisdom and detailed information on all materials available. LuminEssence Productions, Box 19117, OAKLAND, California 94619.

STEP BY STEP WE CLIMB TO FREEDOM- Vols. I & II- As given by the Arisen Masters - channeled by Pearl. First published 1977. Pearl Publishing, 403 S.West Street, YREKA, California 96097.Vol I: ISBN 0-87707-200-0. Vol II: ISBN 0-87961-124-3.

A course of advanced instruction in fifty Discourses given by members of the Spiritual Hierarchy of Ascended Masters, including Jesus-Sananda, Hilarion, Sanat Kumara, Arcturus, and Lord Maitreya.

I WILL ARISE - Book I: The Light of Clarification - Book II: Procedures Towards Transmutation & Translation - channeled by Paola Hugh. Published and copyright 1972 by the Fleur De Lys Foundation, Box 114, EASTSOUND, WA 98245, USA.

These two books of channeled communications from a group of "Elder Brothers" on the Spiritual Planes provide advanced teachings for the seeker of higher spiritual knowledge.

FULL CYCLE -The story of Twin Souls, their incarnation down to Earth from the Spiritual Realms and their later transition back up to the Spirit Worlds - by Ripley Webb

This book provides one of the best descriptions available of Twin Souls within the Spiritual Realms planning their Earth incarnation, the process of incarnating down to Earth, their subsequent pre-planned meeting and their later transition back to the Spiritual Worlds. It also provides a fascinating detail of life on the Spiritual plane, and the service given in helping those who have passed over from Earth life to adjust to their new surroundings. You can read the complete text of "Full Cycle", or freely download it, by clicking on the following Link: Full Cycle

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