
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aphrodite Mini Altar

Aphrodite Mini Altar
(in print in 2000 / revised 2007 / reposted 10-18-2010)

Time ago, I had in print a series of articles on minute altars for a little goddesses. Sadly, I after that had a cruel entrap with blissful robbery and had broken up all the articles fasten for this one, which I had missed. In the past my old website is now in new hands, I am reposting some of my getting on love spell materials to my new blog.

Fabric NEEDED:

* off-white spell candle
* natural perplex (stone / ceramics / etc., in spite of view is fine (made from fine sand))
* sand
* sea salty
* undersized sea bullets


1. Compress perplex with a mix of sand and sea salty.2. Cargo the candle all the rage the sand so that it is in a definite end put.

If de rigueur, loving some wax to help snare it in place.3. Position undersized sea bullets huskily the candle on the sand and voila! A minute Aphrodite altar.