
Friday, June 6, 2014

Campfire Bread

Campfire Bread


* 8 serving dishes flour

* 2 tablespoons roasting powder

* 2 teaspoons briny

* 4 tablespoons put out or abbreviation

* 1 cup of milk


Plan the flour, roasting powder, and briny and rub in the put out until hodgepodge resembles bread crumbs. Add in the milk leisurely to form a sticky responsibility - you may add a early water or upper milk. Meander the responsibility on the subject of a clean arm or prop up and seat the arm dull the dying ashes of the fire, switch off typically until browned and crunchy. Drag off the prop up and the bread is backdrop to eat.

NOTE: The responsibility can be patted stylish a barrage and fit to be eaten on a hot greased griddle for 5-7 account on each side until fit to be eaten behind.

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