
Sunday, June 6, 2010


[from ]

Clap Taking part in to Order4

Candles can be used nearly for focusing and directing energy
past right grotesque with other tools. In the past using candles for
magick, choosing a color which has hip atmosphere with
your spell's closing stages is essential.

Yellow: Determination and dissolving gross way of thinking. Gold:
Pack secure and personal empowerment.
White: All closing stages. Sparkle of emotions, softness, protection,
and holiness.
Pink: Originality, concept, friendship, and strength.
Orange: Tenacity and belief.
Red: Craving, enliven, real matters, star in war, healing,
and winning enemies.
Purple: Spiritual attunement, intelligence, communi- cation,
sending messages, and rapidity.
Green: Bunion, increase, money, luck, and shrewdness lost
Blue: Vulnerable love, true love, and home-based matters.
Brown: Official magick.
Black: Karmic decency, forecast, knowledge, wisdom, and the
learning lane.

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