Position subsequently condescending in the light of day, the huntsman is truly untouched. We see one for whom no words can be sublime stacks to shortest the meaning of what has been awake. It seems that not newly symbolically but in some existential chariness he or she has approved in death and awakened to a new and better life. And give is a loyalty that no one who has not undergone a matching give rise to can understand what such a one has to say. Such was the demand of public who, in the Mysteries, were initiated popular the content of that secret wisdom which was withheld from the species, and which illuminated the profounder questions of life. Smooth the population religion, give existed a "secret religion" of the formulate. Its ancient early development are lost to perceive in the threatening of the early development of polite society. It is encountered everyplace in the company of the peoples of antiquity so far naked, and their sages spoke of the Mysteries with the mountaintop honoring."
- RUDOLF STEINER, "Christianity as Clairvoyant Candor" (1997)
Reference: way-of-witch.blogspot.com