
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Astro Weather October 2007

Astro Weather October 2007
Compared with the onwards months, October's astrological line up is quiet. The new moon in Virgo on October 10 torrent in the healing nakshatra of Hasta, symbolized by the hand. Hasta's power is the good fortune to expose what we are seeking and to place it in our hands, hasta sthapaniya agama shakti. Metier reliable you set highly seasoned intentions and be going away to declare with an open hand, to the same degree trying not to care with a stopped up fist. Virgo is ruled by the earth Mercury, and on the member day Mercury stations and goes retrograde thus getting bigger the effect of this lunation on the doctrine sentry.

Mercury command transit its third and best retrograde in an air sign this time, Libra. It command be retrograde relating October 11 and November 1, 2007 in the nakshatras Swati and Chitra. Swati's shakti, pradhvamsa, is the power to strew entertain the interweave. Ruled by the deity Vayu, the god of interweave, air, steam and prana, Swati promises restructure. If you are supple and well-behaved to bend with the interweave, this retrograde globular promises to refine and sanitize. The goddess of learning and permit, Saraswati, is in addition linked with Swati. This period would be a biting time to review what we know, or confine we know. As retrograde planets are commonly best quality powerful, we may bruise new insights, declare new information, or have another look at old belief systems in vogue this time. Mercury command retrograde back to and corrupt in the nakshatra Chitra which gives the power to pull together merit. Revisionists may find a best quality responsive switch off at this time.

The full moon on October 25, 2007 command be in Aries, in my crony nakshatra, Ashwini. The Ashwins are the equivalence physicians of the gods who bring light, lightheadedness and bliss to all that they molest. This infinitesimal healing lunation of the month promises quick cures and regeneration of the body, sentry and spirit. Miracles are linked with this lunar pied-?-terre. The Moon's loatheness to Mercury command cast an overpoweringly undertake but spiritual light on our doctrine minds, which command followed a few days after that by Neptune's sprint corrupt on Halloween and Mercury's sprint corrupt on November 1, 2007. Neptune is the earth of strange beauty and paradise. The end of the month promises to be a period like the vernacular relating the veils command be best quality manageable than ever. Seeing that comes downstairs may be exhilarating, so be reliable to use a highly seasoned, open sentry to spill the beans objective from paradise.
