
Friday, October 30, 2009

Babalon Scarlet Women And The White Goddess

Babalon Scarlet Women And The White Goddess
"At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say-and her eyes shall dry out with hanker as she stands undressed and gaiety in my secret temple-To me! To me! inclination forth the sparkle of the hearts of all in her love-chant.- The Publication of the Law, Inventive Time"

For the diverse natural life that I command awkward and contemplated the Publication of the Law this passage in the Inventive Time has everlastingly put me in do as you are told of the Neo-Pagan practice of witchcraft. Despite the fact that I didn't make the write down until 2009, the basic look at for my write down the Rosicrucian Extraction of the Witchcraft Whim had been done diverse natural life at an earlier time and I had moved out nearly a decade looking for the cement amongst Thelema and Wicca.

Beyond the everyday cement amongst Aleister Crowley and Gerald Gardner, I was looking for something deeper, a collective symbolism that genuinely bridged these two new age spiritual paths which command sprung from the same dig sponsor and developed in nearly in a straight line contrary commands. What witchcraft emphasizes a cement with the earth, encourages normal group gatherings to put your hands together the cycles of life and is enormously a female form of worship; Thelema makes no cement with the earth, aiming to be more precise at the stars, discourages groups goings-on of all kinds and is centered on the rank whatever their sexual characteristics. And yet the best quality passage indicates copiously that Aiwass was making a dream about the rise of a new religion for the empire, one that is directed by Priestesses that is based on the love of the Goddess, and hints that this is the outer form of worship for the new aeon of Horus even though the inner form of practice is the path of Thelemite magick, the act for which is impending in the Sec Time.

1. This is the secret of the Fantastic Graal, that is the sacred craft of our Member of the aristocracy the Scarlet Female, Babalon the Close relative of Abominations, the bride of Quagmire, that rideth upon our Lord the Wicked person.

2. Thou shalt gorge out thy blood that is thy life voguish the golden cup of her fornication.

"3. Thou shalt join thy life with the shared life. Thou shalt care not back one shower.- Liber Cheth, Aleister Crowley"

The female supreme in Thelema begins with the distinctive Goddess Nu at the same time as She has no attestable form or even an actual crash ranking as She represents the unpromising supreme that pre-existed otherwise the most primitive crash giving off issued from it. In this form She is the Ain Soph Aur of the Fantastic Qabalah, the Fine that infuses the immeasurable cavity and yet is never illuminating until it crosses the abyss. Smooth as glass otherwise this She exists easily in the quasi corporal form of the Sovereign of Illusion as the Goddess Nuit, at the same time as in this form she is still a cavity and represents the space amongst the stars that are depicted as clothing her in crash manifestations of the LVX. As such Nuit isn't really even a real goddess but to be more precise she is the Close relative of the Adolescent God Horus and so a form of Horus as he was otherwise he existed.

The most primitive real separation of the spiritual armed forces of Thelema voguish genders occurs underside the abyss, at the supervisor edge of the actual existences, on the Nineteenth Path of Sepher Yetzirah, besides called the Path of Teth. Taking part in the female supreme takes on the form of Babalon, a secret arcanum of magick that was most primitive explored by Crowley in the Chance and the Expel. Crowley developed the symbolism of Babalon to litigation his own verbal skill of magick, if truth be told the sex magick that he was practicing in the OTO, but otherwise he did that he had besides managed to make the everyday cement amongst Babalon and the Scarlet Female of the Publication of the Law. The Scarlet Female represents the best corporal form of female supreme in the Publication of the Law and together the four principals be in touch to Tetragrammaton in a principally Thelemite capture. It is this Scarlet Female that is the Priestess from the verse in the Inventive Time and this progression from Genre to brazen masculinity is the spiritual amount of what she worships in her temple by the use of her love chant.

"49. Thy bawl, thy plug away, thy blood, thy semen, thy love, thy optimism shall consign. Ah, I shall gorge thee worship the cup that is of me, Babalon. - Jack Monk, Publication 49"

In a late at night discussion with some other Thelemites one of them raised the be important of whether the 1946 Babalon Running performed by Jack Parsons and L Ron Hubbard may command had some attitude on the opening of the Wiccan exercise in Britain at about the same time. Parsons was an acolyte of Crowley who is accepted as having advised Gerald Gardner on points of magick and friendship even though he was in the fast stages of establishing his most primitive group of witches. The fact that Parsons was ardently interested in witches, distasteful to the wide interests of his novel occultists seemed to consent to a beguiling associate that constrain command been the bridge that I had been looking for.

This all had the effect of jogging my relationship of drama a marked convention to that which was performed by Parsons and I went to the archives of my Magick Notice for the engagement 1997 and found that I had constant worked a magick to Babalon but at the time I didn't understand the true meaning of what I had found.

"... she shows me a visualize of the progression of the lunar phases produce its twenty-eight day annoy and as the moon passes the full BABALON begins to flourish old until she is a gaunt crone who advances upon me, threatening me at most primitive but as I tot up my place, and shadowing the swift progression of the moon's phases, she is again a powerful youthful female and she past again stops her commencement of hostilities.- The Magick Notice of Ankhafnakhonsu, 2 September 1997, 12:30am"

I had used Babalon's symbol of the seven brusque star of even points inscribed with name as a portico to her astral total and the passage quoted best quality was easily a mini set of my transactions with her. The visualize complete guaranteed prognostications about my swelling on the magickal path that later came to fruition and it was for these fight that I had to begin with recalled this specific treatment, until the discussion mentioned best quality.

The female supreme that is sacred in every Thelema and by witches is the annoy of the female lifespan from the virginal Artemis, produce the potently powerful Close relative Goddesses and eventually the crones that description the view of the dark moon and the secure for rejuvenation. This annoy is besides replicated in the four female forms that are represented in the Thelemite female spiritual hierarchy as Nu is in nature female and precedes the stamp of the male supreme of Hadit which is the most primitive giving off from the Ain Soph Aur. Nuit is the form of the Close relative Goddess who gives opening to the Adolescent God Horus and then the body form of the Scarlet Female is the haulage for the spiritual energy of Babalon and ensures that the spiritual shove to female generation will of necessity ebb tide and die as a part of its corporal ranking even though in its distinctive form it remainder an immeasurable reservoir of new life that is as of yet uncreated.

Shove witchcraft is easily beginning its tramp as a spiritual practice and, if truth be told amid the eclectic practitioners it is still forming a working tackle and unvarying pantheon of spiritual archetypes. In diverse ways it is leaving produce the same processes of tramp that modern Solid Magick has done at the same time as the occult new life of the conclusive partly of the Nineteenth Century and so it is brusquely a hundred natural life behind schedule the tramp of that tackle (at the same time as it seems to be making up base at the consent to). Different modern witches are obtaining fight from their magick that resemble the work of the Solid Magicians that command developed magick and Thelema voguish the disciplines that they are today so it will be of haughty meaning to top-quality of them that display is a cement amongst Thelema and witchcraft that may help to define the best modern and fashionable of new age religions.