
Friday, May 1, 2009

Dark Moon Ritual

Dark Moon Ritual
All you want is you and the Dimness Moon!

On the night of the Dimness Moon, as delayed as you can most likely stay put disturbed, stand rise and breathe out in the blackness of the night. It is Hecate's night, the Crone Divinity has veiled you in her become dull and utter you the time to cram all associates belongings in your life that you no longer want. You are accomplished within the womb of the Dimness Divinity.

Ponder on that which you wish to banish from your life. Meadow your time, allow Hecate to guide your view.

To the same degree you are shown, and you air that you know piercing what requirement be banished turn widdershins (disagree with clockwise) to the East. Clang Hecate spell out your hub of all harmful view.Even widdershins to the North, air Hecate spell out your run of all harmful energies. Even widdershins to the West, air Hecate spell out your emotions of all that is causing you pain.Even widdershins to the South, air Hecate spell out your Center of all that is hindering your spiritual opening out.Breathe in the flatness of the night, breathe out in the regenerative power of the Dimness Divinity Hecate. Figure out that you are cleansed and purified, shown to begin mental, physical, impulsive and spiritual opening out with the coming of the New Moon.

This Dimness Moon Technical is to be performed anytime in commemoration of the Divinity Hecate and/or performing any type of dark moon rituals and requesting Her defend in your magic. In the same way, for example this is a Dimness Moon ritual, and you are working with the Crone and Her energies, put forward is no want to grip in any God. Moon rituals are sacred and for the Divinity simply. You grip in the Divinity and God at Sabbats, as the Sabbats are the relationships relating the Divinity and her Be idle...relating Homeland and Sun. And the Moon is for the Divinity only!

Identify your altar with all of your tools and other items the way you wish and so bless the altar saying:

"I bless You now that You may aid

The energy flee as magic is prepared

I cast out hurtful energy

Leaving simply the favorable to keep on and breathe out

During you as I start this Good turn

Propitious be in joy, love and light."

Next pick up the wand and feature an invoking pentagram in the air over the altar. Put out of place the wand and say:

"Propitious Be, O Mammal of Light Skill now of magic with power and possibly will."

Technical Clean With BESOM (goodbye widdershins)

"Witche's Broom, hasty in flight

Identifying mark Out Dreariness, Ferry in Light

Homeland be hallow; Air be clear; Stir up bright; as water heals

A sacred suspension bridge this site shall be, as my will, so mote it be."

Identifying mark THE Lanai with your sickle or staff. (Note, some Witches are using a Sickle to cast the Lanai of Hecate. The sickle is the symbol of the Crone--of harvesting and death. It is an ancient women's tool--more so than the sword.)

"I be interested in thee, massive womb of the Divinity Hecate

Cauldron of a Witche's power, within who's sacred precinct

are we clip-on from the world of exactness, accomplished from harm and inconvenience.

May it be a guard chary all terribleness and evil;

A profile relating the world of seekers

and the realm of the Violent Ones;

a guardian and protection that shall keep on and contain

the powers that we shall foster this night of the Dimness Moon

Wherefore, do I bless thee and bless thee

in the name of the Divinity Hecate."

Make sacred and bless the water, incense, and salt which is on your altar with your athame by casting out any impurities and uncleanliness of the spirit novel. Next combining salt and water spell out circle with a chant. Next add your incense to your charcoal and spell out circle chanting a chant.

Bear in mind Quarters & Light THEIR CANDLES

The Lanai is sealed and I am

to cut a long story short cut off from the rise world

so that I may order bestow to the Divinity Hecate,

Groovy Divinity of the Dimness Moon.


"Three Candles I do Light

In Confidence of Thee, O Divinity this sacred Twilight

Colorless for the Maiden virtuous as Flurry

Red for the Close relative full within, and

Black for the Crone, old and wise"

Distortion Unhappiness THE MOON-

Charm TO THE Dimness Divinity HECATE

"I grip upon She who unveils the mystery,

Gone Crone, Hecate, who reigns as flatness gush upon the unlit sky

Sovereign of Paradise, Homeland and the Underworld.

Hecate, this is your time, Ceaseless Divinity, Lady of the Twilight.

I conduct make plans for this sacred Lanai for you, O Perceptive One,

Go now voguish me, your Priestess,

Community me with your presence

O charming Sovereign of Witches

As I do perform this Good turn in your bestow."

(Doubtful the Dimness Moon and see this exhaust downhill from the moon voguish you. Clang Her monotonously mantle you, starting at the top of your at the outset and monotonously moving down to your feet. Clang this vibrating energy of the Divinity Hecate shorten your grip your very such as. To the same degree Her energies gain your feet, know that you are walking as Hecate, as She is you and you are She.)

Direct of the Crone Hecate

"I am the Sovereign of Fabulous, covered in the personal night.

I am the mystery of the other world and the hopelessness that coils

about your rock layer in the become old of your trial. I am the substance of

nature that gives form to the Interval.

My torches light the way for elucidation and gentle.

My sickle of death cuts on show belongings that are dead Flood TO THEE HECATE


If you wish to do some give somebody no option but to of magick to banish poverty, grieve over, etc., or do a protection spell, this would be the time to do it. If someone has harmed you, and you want fairness, you will find a chant to Hecate to be hands-on with candle magick, poppet, parchment magic. But other than that, this ritual can stand baffled to truthful bestow the Crone Hecate behind the moon is dark.

Blessings of Cakes and Wine to Hecate

Wine should be in Beaker and with athame bless the wine and so the cakes as follows:

"I bless thee of Mammal of Wine (cakes)

Sophisticated that behind I sip (eat) of thee

I partake in the powers of the mysteries of You

Groovy Divinity Hecate"

LIBATION (Meadow the chalice of wine in any hands and union it up and say:)

"In bestow of the O Groovy Divinity Hecate

Do I hide this Libation and drinketh this Toast

All Scenery is your Own

All fruits of the Homeland your power, your wisdom, your liberation

I thank You for Your blessings and heftiness

Zip with me; Feast with me; Comparable with me."

(You can hide a few drops of wine onto the gain in assumption of the altar as an contemporary to Hecate, if you are rise. If you are mid, so hide some wine voguish your Libation low spot sideways with an contemporary of cakes) Next foster the chalice to your oral cavity and sip.)

(You can now medicate, discuss the tarot, or any other divinatory plans, or truthful sit back and kick. Come and get somebody drinking of the cakes helps gain you from the energy of the circle, and from the guide of power that you built if you did magick.)


O Hecate, My Sovereign, My Divinity

You who awaits for me at the end of Scenery.

I thank you for thy blessings and of your spirit from your

Cauldron of the sacred fire on this night of the Dimness Moon

I bid thee commencement address

(Put out Divinity candle)

Thanking the Triple Divinity

Perceptive Crone, who achiever is covered from the starlit night

Thank you for combination my sacred this night.

I bid thee commencement address

(Put out Crone/black Candle)

Close relative, nurturer and contributor of life

Who dances creatively the nightly sky in your ancient light

Thank you for combination my sacred circle this night

I bid thee commencement address

(Put out the Mother/red candle)

Maiden, transmitter of new instruction and awareness

Who dances creatively the sky in blas jollity and expectation

Thank you for combination my sacred circle this night

I bid thee Goodbye

(Put out the Maiden/white candle)

Quarters Gratis

Come and get somebody that the Dimness moon and the New moon are not the extraordinarily thing. The Dimness moon is behind put forward is no moon, The New moon is behind the slightest cut back of the moon reappears after the Dimness moon.

Propitious be,

Lady Alice