
Monday, July 17, 2006

Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism

Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism Cover

Book: Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism by Yves Kodratoff

The first part is personal, and it exposes my practice of seidr, by comparing it several times to the one coming from Diana Paxson’s group and in Jordsvin’s papers. I thus recommend to read at first these papers before mine. The second part explains and supports my own practice of seidr, but the facts it contains are independent of any belief. It is subdivided in two sections. The first is a rather scholarly description of the linguistic problems involved with the word seidr in Old Norse, the ancient Norwegian, (and Icelandic, Danish, Swedish) language, used in the sagas and the Eddic and Skaldic poems. The second is an annotated presentation of the runic inscriptions referring or alluding to seidr. (Yves Kodratoff)

Download Yves Kodratoff's eBook: Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism

Downloadable books (free):

Aleister Crowley - Liber 148 The Soldier And The Hunchback
Franz Cumont - After Life In Roman Paganism
Robert Leo Odom - Sunday Sacredness In Roman Paganism
Yves Kodratoff - Seidr Seid Sol Iss Burs And Nordic Shamanism

Saturday, July 1, 2006

Romanticist Germanic Mysticism

Romanticist Germanic Mysticism Cover The first modern attempt at revival of ancient Germanic religion took place in the 19th century during the late Romantic Period amidst a general resurgence of interest in traditional Germanic culture, in particular in connection with romantic nationalism in Scandinavia and the related Viking revival in Victorian era Britain. Germanic mysticism is an occultist current loosely inspired by "Germanic" topics, notably runes. It has its beginnings in the Early 20th Century (Guido von List's "Armanism", Karl Maria Wiligut's "Irminism" etc.)

The last traditional pagan sacrifices in Scandinavia, at Trollkyrka, appear to date to about this time.

Organized Germanic pagan or occult groups such as the Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft emerged in Germany in the early 20th century. The connections of this movement to historical Germanic paganism are tenuous at best, with emphasis lying on the esoteric as taught by the likes of Julius Evola, Guido von List and Karl Maria Wiligut.

Downloadable books (free):

Reynold Nicholson - The Mystics Of Islam
Hargrave Jennings - The Rosicrucians Their Rites And Mysteries
Roman Tertius Sibellius - De Vermis Mysteriis