
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Full Moon Ritual And Money Spell

Full Moon Ritual And Money Spell

Full Moon Ritual:

Mead Moon, 7th July 2009

1) Prepare selves and space. Need: Symbols of the Goddess and a Goddess candle, Power pouches of wealth with objects to fill them with, two green candles, bread, milk, sugar.

2) Cast circle, call upon the Guardians, Invoke the Goddess: "I call upon you Goddess in your brightest form, as you shine you silken silver rays upon the Earth. Oh Great Mother Goddess may you lend me your energies this night so that I may weave my magick for the good of others and may you be with me now so that I may adore your presence! So mote it Be!"

3) Light the Goddess candle so that her Spirit may reside in it for this rite. Place symbols of the Goddess about the circle so that the Goddess and be all around.

4) State the intention: "I come to this circle tonight to celebrate the Goddesses radiance and to use her gift of magick to help others. I are going to cast a spell for a financial abundance to heal the wounds of my family."

5) Raise energy - Drumming and chanting: "Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna..."

6) Keep drumming as the spell is cast.

. Carve the Fehu rune onto the green candles.

. Light both green candles saying: "Goddess of the Earth, Goddess of the Hearth, I plant this spell to bring my family wealth. I ask for what is needed and nothing more."

. Allow the bread to soak up the milk and then roll it in sugar (Do this for both bits of bread). Hold the bread in cupped hands and visualise the desired outcome while chanting: "I call the wealth to our family, so mote it be, so mote it be!"

. Put together two small pouches to bring wealth and say: "I call the wealth to our family, so mote it be, so mote it be!"

. To send off the spell state: "By the pentagram I wear, Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Ruled by spirits as all should be, As I speak, So Mote It Be!"

. When the bread has been fully infused with the spell place them in a saucer and in the morning bury the bread in the gardens of the two houses.

7) Time of worship once the spell has been done. Write on paper all the things you are grateful for, state them aloud and then place it in a bowl of water for the moon Goddess.

When the ritual is done go outside and leave out an offering of thanks and love.
