
Friday, July 18, 2008

Character Of The Days Of The Moon

Character Of The Days Of The Moon
NOTES: I am assuming that this together with of the days begins and ends with the new moon. Communication that in attendance are 29 days overpower even despite the fact that it on your own takes the moon 27.3 days to revolve the earth. I equally found the juxtaposition of the Repellent Arcana of the Tarot with Old Gravestone activities, and the Idol Hecate ("see day 27"), an wacky mix.

1. THE Juggler, OR MAGUS- The initial day of the moon is that of the pet project of the moon itself. This day is consecrated to mental enterprises, and ought be approving for jovial innovations.

2. POPE JOAN, OR OCCULT SCIENCE - This day is auspicious to revelations, initiations, and hot discoveries of science.

3. THE Celestial Blood relation, OR EMPRESS- The third day was that of man's pet project. So is the moon called the Blood relation in Kabbalah, some time ago it is represented in alliance with the list three. This day is approving to while, and brutally to all productions, whether of soul or observe.

4. THE Ruler, OR RULER- The fourth day is baleful; it was that of the innate of Cain; but it is approving to unprovoked and overwhelming enterprises.

5. THE POPE, OR HIEROPHANT- The fifth day is fortunate; it was that of the innate of Abel.

6. THE Enthusiast, OR LIBERTY- The sixth is a day of pride; it was that of the innate of Lamech, who thought unto his wives; "I brag slain a man to my acerbic, and a teenage man to my kick. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, vertical Lamech seventy and sevenfold." This day is auspicious for conspiracies and rebellions.

7. THE CHARIOT- On the seventh day, innate of Hebron, who gave his name to the initial of the seven sacred cities of Israel. A day of religion, prayers and accomplishment.

8. JUSTICE- Spoil of Abel. Day of punishment.

9. THE OLD MAN, OR HERMIT- Institute of Methucelah. Day of blessing for children.

10. EZEKIEL'S Wheel OF FORTUNE- Institute of Nebuchadnezzar. Line of the Beast. Undying day.

11. STRENGTH- Institute of Noah. Visions on this day are hypocritical, but it is one of health and fancy life for children untrained on it.

12. THE Purpose, OR HANGED MAN- Institute of Samuel, Creative and kabbalistic day, approving to the fulfilment of the hot work.

13. DEATH- Wedding anniversary of Canaan. the accursed son of Cham. Baleful day and infected list.

14. THE Cherub OF TEMPERANCE- Accident of Noah on the fourteenth day of the moon. This day is governed by the angel Cassiel of the ranking of Uriel.

15. TYPHON, OR THE DEVIL- Institute of Ishmael. Day of reprobation and transport.

16. THE Annoying TOWER- Wedding anniversary of Jacob and Esau; the day equally of Jacob's predestination, to Esau's obliterate.

17. THE Flickering STAR- Fold from paradise burns Sodom and Gomorrah. Day of trade-in for the good, and obliterate for the wicked; on a Saturday vital. It is under the commandment of the Scorpion.

18. THE MOON- Institute of Isaac. Wife's be triumphant. Day of marital view and good dream.

19. THE SUN- Institute of Pharaoh. A beneficent or infected day for the hot of earth, according to the perplexing qualities of the hot.

20. THE JUDGMENT- Institute of Jesus, the lackey of God's nibble. Lucky for divine revelations.

21. THE WORLD- Institute of Saul, plain royalty. Danger to observe and intention.

22. Sway OF SATURN- Institute of Job. Day of trial and disturb.

23. Sway OF VENUS- Institute of Benjamin. Day of Liking and dear.

24. Sway OF JUPITER- Institute of Japhet.

25. Sway OF MERCURY- Tenth plague of Egypt.

26. Sway OF MARS- Emancipation of the Israelites, and bore of the Red Sea.

27. Sway OF DIANA, OR HECATE- Amazing earn achieved by Judas Maccabeus.

28. Sway OF THE SUN- Samson carries off the gates of Gaza. Day of right and relief.

29. THE Trick OF THE TAROT- Day of decay and miscarriage in all bits and pieces.

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Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Tradition, and the Occult Sciences of the Dirt