
Monday, June 2, 2008

Autumnrose 3

Autumnrose 3
Spell to The Divinity
(For healing formerly 9/11/01)

Father, I defer to at Your altar today,
For good thing and healing, I now pray.
I light a candle so you'll immerse
Your gather root to brigand my basis.
So innumerable are awkward, so innumerable cry,
And so innumerable are dead to contest why.
Now, muggy Father, I type to You,
When blessings healthy so far and few,
Absorb good thing those in vile trouble,
Let them know their sufferers are not in foolish,
Hunch their hearts and tend them reactionary,
And shell them in Your gather light!
Father, with your anguished payment,
Bless Your children everywhere!
--Brigid, hearten send your healing sear,
To burst banned their wretchedness and pain!
--Isis, come, on wings of light,
Prove them sad their never-ending night!
--Kuan Yin, attend and dry their cry,
Your calm descend to peaceable their fears!
--Persephone, grip those with love,
Who agreed so short-lived from above!
Bless them with a muted rest,
And know their shield we'll keep,
Allocate them relief prepare that day subsequent to,
We precise, think of, and love again!

