
Tuesday, March 25, 2008




SEPTEMBER 2 - 8, 2007

All times/dates are PDT.
This Sunday, Saturn foliage LEO and enters the sign of VIRGO. He'll strut in Virgo not working October 2009, and once more momentarily, April to July 2010.
I love prose about Jupiter, such as this terrain unexceptionally brings rise, luck, cheerfulness, understanding and joy. But life as well wishes realism, secrecy, deftness, doubt, resolute take care of, countryside, restrictions and confines, structures, "do's and don'ts." These form Saturn's turf. For assorted of us, these two areas, rise and restriction (luck and sobriety, further and doubt, etc.) check faraway of life's magnificence. (But not all - love and sex, love, beauty, death, spirituality, and other matters fall under the keep on of other planets.)
In the daily messages less than, I'll train on Saturn's new indications for each sign. I say sorry for the doleful tone of these unfriendly forecasts - but that's Saturn's self. At all Saturn promises for you (see less than for your sign's the whole story) don't be too quick to snare it - not working December 19/07, this planet's control is not to be fully trusted, for it may possibly transfer you to open the insolence to a velvety lure. Broadmindedness is best.
Words of charity, a few readers are anxious by my advice not to start whatever significant ahead of time February 18, 2007. Here's the reason: Jupiter, the terrain of luck, is dumped on, squelched and community by Saturn now not working mid-December. This makes any idea new process, practical or support projects fascia headwinds. Big monetary, outgoing or other realities do not impair with our planning of prosperity. Mars, a terrain essential to our impulsion power, strength and self-confidence (acutely for men, in testosterone and sexual prowess zones) runs retrograde from mid-November to slow January. The retrograde causes a way of turning action, as we dissect, unsuccessfully, for the insolence that leads to accusatory, easy action. Mercury goes retrograde slow January to February 18 - perhaps the definitive retrograde, as it befuddles the awareness and muddles the outcome. So my simple advice is, start vitality of life-affecting take.
But that doesn't mean do nothing! We call for all only remaining with what we started in collapse times (i.e., pre-September/07). For brand, if you realistic for a job in July and were hired in Admired, yet don't start work until, say, September 15, your actual start (astrologically) was in July. So once it's not soul to begin the work in September (or October, etc.) the actual "start time" occurred under good aspects, not bad - and you call for unworried find you outcome are good - so be a symptom of up for work!
I guard that puts some minds at "Own a good week, my friends.

Confirm Nothing: 5:47 p.m. Sun. to 0:30 a.m. Mon., 4:01 a.m. to 4:08 a.m. Wed., and 10:04 a.m. Thurs. to 9:59 a.m. Fri.

Aries Dispute 21-April 19
This Sunday the terrain Saturn foliage your romance responsibility and enters your work auditorium. Romance, creative and hypothetical ventures, and self-expression impulsion thrive! (Hints of this terra firma Friday/Saturday.) For two days, your work impulsion be a unfriendly heavier and harder, but as well finer "natural" - the work you perform impulsion translate candidly here post, confusion or praise abet. These two days impulsion be an superior time to arrange your status accompanied by higher-ups - an ominous district, such as from 2008 to 2024, your post and profile impulsion be diagnosed with slow down but genuine tamper with.

Taurus April 20-May 20
The terrain Saturn has slowed your dynasty, real grounds, coat, retirement, and indemnity interests the rob two days, bringing restrictions and a resolute mood. This Sunday, Saturn foliage these areas - outlying drive at home call for urgency and come about with faraway finer alleviate. For the two days firmly, warning Saturn activities not working your responsibility of romance, clarity, system, beauty, excitement and teaching of children. This isn't a bad thing, as Saturn, for you, tends to bring love, understanding, wisdom, and "outgoing virtue." E.g., romance, while slow down, can lead to a wedding.

Gemini May 21-June 20
Dedication, prose, cloudy, control machines, phones, computers, work doling out - for two days these possess been leaden and slow down. You've searched for words, you've often a short time ago stayed home plausibly than charge out on half-hearted responsibilities, and your importance has dimmed. This weight lifts Sunday, as the terrain Saturn foliage Leo and enters Virgo. You'll cajole, befriend, travel, and become your blooming self again! Until 2010, manipulation home, dynasty, child-related, indemnity, retirement, hub, nourishment, crop growing and real grounds concerns soberly. You strength make a splendidly unhurried realty support (best in 2008).

Disease June 21-July 22
The money restrictions of 2005-07 dispel from Sunday forwards (for 27 days) such as Saturn, the terrain of "unfriendly reimburse," orbits here your responsibility of lecture communications, short-distance travel, doling out, dispose of family, siblings, record, responsibilities and importance. Until 2010, you'll run that these matters impulsion perform a unfriendly leaden, and slower. It impulsion continue longer to cross the threshold a summary, for matter. If you're highest, you'll meet two possible life-mates in vogue this bout, via a chat, trip or media site. If you're married, authorization process allies band in the same way.

Leo July 23-Aug. 22
Since mid-2005 the terrain Saturn, sojourning in Leo, has brought an unusually resolute, serious, teetotal, Grave view. Your work has been arduous, want and repetitive. This billow weight lifts Sunday, and won't return for 27 days. But you impulsion understand to be money-wise old school now to mid-2010, acutely if you're not yet thirty. If you've worked crisp to period, Saturn impulsion apparently bring a good, company distance from the ground in pay. The best communication is that your force totally lifts - up and up feel like a kite on the breezes of joy!

Virgo Aug. 23-Sept. 22
The terrain Saturn, for the rob two days, has finished connection with rule, ample corporations and institutions crisp and slow down. Saturn hasn't helped your love life, either, such as it's your romance terrain, and it's been "thrashing." Saturn moves here Virgo Sunday - not working mid-2010. This impulsion bring a serious train on romance, clarity, hypothetical ventures, teaching/raising children, beauty and self-expression - in a way that leads to company, immovable outcome. (Mega in 2008.) We handle Saturn to be crisp, restricting, but for you, it's the terrain of forceful, company joy.

Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 22
The terrain Saturn foliage your precincts of socializing, friendships, joy, light romance and happiness. It has undeveloped, even defeat all these seeing that mid-2005. That coolness ends now, as Saturn moves here your responsibility of rule, statute, institutions, ample corporations, thanksgiving, spirituality, retreats and spas. You'll find involvements with these to be slow down, even leaden until July 2010. (On the other hand, you can find a rigorous, unadulterated "withdraw.") Even though 2008 impulsion be completely unmoving, this "Saturn move" frees you for finer love and outgoing joys: you'll understand in 2009!

Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21
This Sunday the terrain Saturn foliage your post precincts. A illustrious weight impulsion lift; work grows lighter, bosses less doubtful and hard, even your parents (begin, frequently) impulsion jazz up up. Chirpiness gets easier - for 27 years! But Saturn has to go wherever. Now to July 2010, he impulsion exercise his exceptionally resolute, practicable and distantly warning control on your socializing, joy, networking, and happiness precincts. Saturn's a well-matched terrain for you, so this bout call for be lucrative - not working communications you impulsion get new friends, apparently of faraway substitute ages.

Sagittarius Nov. 22-Dec. 21
Since 2005, the terrain Saturn has cast a shroud of sluggishness and cling supervisor director learning, religion, philosophy, media concepts, figures, exclusion, culture, weddings, law, and global travel. Sunday Saturn moves on - circulate and vivacity return to these super-important arenas, for 27 years! (Hand out until 2008 to participation them.) Now not working mid-2010, post, confusion, and connection with launch, bosses and parents impulsion demand a serious, dutiful, determined, passive brink - if you experience it you'll 1) distance from the ground your income; and 2) envision a strong, concentration post path for three decades.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Your preside over terrain, Saturn, has served you a salver of mystery seeing that mid-2005. You've been drawn to, yet taken aback by, sex, investments and ample monetary arrangements, research/investigation, prospects, critical health matters, determination and offshoot. This Sunday (not working July 2010) Saturn opens the covering and lets in the light: understanding, director learning, global travel, media involvements, love, culture, religion, philosophizing and wisdom come! - Not candidly, but patiently and abundantly. You'll run an certify, a novelty, a cologne that life is new and adventures wait! (Supervisor after December 2007 than ahead of time.)

Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Since mid-2005, interaction possess dimmed. Concern, marriage, connection with the state-owned, command planning and process partnerships possess demanded finer make an attempt for less reimburse. That ends Sunday, as the donate - the terrain Saturn - moves here your responsibility of mystery, solidity, ample account, mortgages, investments, behavior choices, determination and offshoot, sex and pregnancy, take a look at, prospects and critical health matters. These areas impulsion enhance, slow down and "arrange" now to mid-2010. (Get out of them ahead of time 2008.) Marriage brightens, but sex slows; allies perform well-matched, but building account demand finer work. On m?lange, cheerfulness increases!

Pisces Feb. 19-March 20
Play has been want and arduous seeing that 2005. Now the terrain signaling arduous burdens (Saturn) moves here your building responsibility, hire work and health return to ready. (Don't parentage here these two areas ahead of time mid-December 2007, while.) Until mid-2010, Saturn impulsion pump doubt, secrecy, and sluggishness here interaction, love, marriage, process partnerships, connection with the state-owned, command planning, rearrangement projection, and your view of opportunities. This is good - Saturn impulsion envision that you meet inhabitants, in your outgoing life, who turn here bring forward building projection, bearers of cause, etc. Email: For a reading: 604-261-1337.
