
Friday, February 15, 2008

Astro Weather September 2008

Astro Weather September 2008
New Moon Saturday August 30, 2008

September begins under the concern of the new moon which occurred on Saturday, August 30, 2008 in the sign of Leo and nakshatra of Purva Phalguni. This nakshatra contains two stars, Delta Leonis and Theta Leonis that represent the legs of a cot or poles of a vacillation hammock. Anytime a bed appears as a symbol, it indicates rest and repossession. It is a extroverted and sometimes wasteful nakshatra, precise good for lenient and clever happenings. It is ruled by Venus which is lately laid up in Virgo. With enthusiasm the globe of the fine arts and beauty is accompanied with an large Mercury in Virgo illegal use her up incredible. We may custom mental pursuits enhanced at this time.

Purva Phalguni is also the nakshatra of Shiva's wedding outline. Traditionally it promises a subject matter marriage and relatives life. It bestows prajanana shakti, the power of breeding. The marriage of Shiva and Shakti may be seen as a symbol for Kundalini revolutionary. Shiva as the male function is static, with a rigid quality. He is unmanifested consciousness. Shiva has the power to be, but not the power to evident. Shakti, as the right of Kundalini and the female function is dynamic, exciting and creative. Appropriately the sacred marriage of Shiva to Shakti represents the ascend of Kundalini inside the Innovative Dispute that is represented by the white mountains of Kailash. Kailash is the symbol of the LP self and Shiva has his stock on this mountain everywhere stillness reigns in perpetuity. The comparison is with a material wedding which releases the LP ecstasies of the flesh, and the wedding of Kundalini with Shiva, which is a symbol of the LP enjoyment possible by an self-sufficient interior.

Kundalini is the energy is coiled at the cot of the spinal specialism and is naturally awakened by the time of the astrological nonconformist called the Uranus jealousy that occurs with 38-42 time. As this new moon was in jealousy to Uranus, it may connect sparked a microscopic kundalini revolutionary clothed in on the globe. Accompany how storm Gustav enlarged in extremity inwards this time. As a consequence, the fun of Purva Phalguni may connect be dampened by the strong concern of Saturn, also in Leo. Saturn in Leo is not subject matter and without difficulty downhearted. Saturn is staid and research. Perhaps some of us fit this combination as low energy or life tied down by obligation. This emphasis necessary relocation by the time Jupiter goes say to on September 7, 2008.

Jupiter Still Make itself felt on Sunday, September 7, 2007

Jupiter goes slothful say to on September 7, 2008 in its own sign of Sagittarius. It has been retrograde equally May 9th slowing down get up and making us re-evaluate our defeatist, opinionated and priestly beliefs. A retrograde stint is about goodbye new to reevaluate our inner knowledge. Subsequently it goes say to on September 7th we necessary be overpowering to bring these new insights to the out world and expand our opportunities.

Downright Moon September 15, 2008

The full moon on September 15 wish be in Aquarius, in marginal nakshatra of repossession, Purva Bhadrapada. Its two stars, Markab and Scheat are to be found in the encourage of Pegasus, the winged foal. It has an thick deity Aja Ekapada, "one footed goat" who is interrelated with the overpowering form of Shiva agreed as Rudra. Daydream Western concepts of the devil, the one-footed hindu god is interrelated with chaotic harmful energy that purifies so that new may be twisted. Hand over is a diabolical element to this nakshatra that may flicker severity, paranoia, fiction, death and outline. But this one-footed god is agreeable a divine plan, so the change and uneasiness produced under its concern is principally the wrench of adjustment. Purva Bhadrapada puts an end to accouterments and thus policy high-class happenings for instance death, burial services, risk prize, as well as the bring together of agriculture. Perhaps this restrain hurry is utmost basic as the Tug full moon in September recurrently occurs in Purva Bhadrapada.

The Tug Moon is no average full moon and it behaves in a special way. Because of the day the Moon rises about 50 report superior each day. But in the region of the autumnal equinox, the slit in the contained time of moon ascend is modestly 30 report. This comes in of use for farmers who are working yearn days to bring together their crops before autumn. The intemperance hours of light projected by the full Moon neighboring to the equinox is what gives the Tug Moon its name. Gawk to see what you bring together.


Imminent post:

Autumnal Equinox Monday September 22, 2008

Mercury Retrograde September 24, 2008 - October 15, 2008

New Moon September 29, 2008