Theodism, or ?eodisc Geleafa originally sought to reconstruct the beliefs and practices of the Anglo-Saxon tribes which settled in England. Peodisc is the adjective of Peod "people, tribe", cognate to deutsch. As it evolved, the Theodish community moved past solely Anglo-Saxon forms and other
Germanic tribal groups were also being reconstituted; Theodism, in this larger sense, now encompass groups practicing tribal beliefs from
Scandinavia and the Continent, following in the model set forth by the
Anglo Saxon theods founded in the 1970s. The term Theodism now encompasses Norman, Frisian, Angle, Saxon, Jutish, Gothic, Alemannic, Swedish and Danish tribal cultures. This relaxing of the original term "Theodism" functionally identifies Germanic Neopagans who practice or advocate Neo-Tribalism.
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