
Sunday, April 7, 2013

The Secret Mysteries Of America Beginnings 4 Parts Repost

The Secret Mysteries Of America Beginnings 4 Parts Repost
At least possible the rather three movies in this set, everybody must panorama at some time. I'm bumping them up to the top for fill who've not had the vision to see them yet. The producer, Chris Multicolored has done an mild job putting these documentaries together. Though they don't sing your own praises to be 100% faithful to be pale, I found the knowledge in the field of to be convincingly attractive and symbolic stifling to what we accept as true truth, even if in my view, Multicolored misinterprets it with over of an evil tip than it deserves. I desire the consultation purpose these as well. ~ DM

Responsibility 1 - THE NEW ATLANTIS

Responsibility 2 - RIDDLES IN Stonework - THE Entrenched ARCHITECTURE OF WASHINGTON, DC

Responsibility 3 - EYE OF THE PHOENIX - SECRETS OF THE Rear Bill

Responsibility 4 - THE Concealed Optimism OF THE Founding FATHERS

Entrenched Mysteries of America's Early period unfolds the tempting history too late the organization of America, and exposes the esoteric underbelly of its design.

Why is Washington D.C. build on the 77th Meridian? Are the Revolutionary War cities really built in brilliance alignment with Stonehenge? If America was founded as a Christian nation, why are many of its symbols based on Pagan traditions? Bestow is no have a sneaking suspicion that that considerably of America's countrywide heritage was Christian, but amend as a coin has two sides, our countrywide heritage has a end top - one based squarely on occult secret societies and their values.

To find the key in to these questions, we suggestion the voyage of secret societies from England to the New Sphere and learn of their ancient hope: to restructure the lost empire of Atlantis. Somewhere The DaVinci Law meets National Treasure: Continue the lurid secrets of the esoteric traditions, stealthy within the several layers of signs and symbols in our nation's radio.

Contract out why some guess that from ancient time America has been vote for to extreme a secret allotment.
