* Conversion OF AMERICA FROM A Free REPUBLIC TO A COMMUNIST Authoritarianism. Beginning with an monetary Disappoint triggered by the global Communists, this transition would stand for growth riots, municipal mayhem, and the invasion of war law followed by the suspension of Constitutional freedoms and job. In the dispensation onslaught that would certainly note, the American Communists would unify and espousal their power by initiation a pogrom vs. their encoded list of enemies. This list would tally media communication, engineering leaders, devotee opponents, activists, and non-compulsory air force communication. It would to boot tally leftists who are no longer constructive to the Communists and would become worrying enemies of the new dictatorship taking into consideration they realized they had been deceived. In addition to the annihilate of the Global Communists' highest powerful enemies, award would to boot be the structure of "foe camps" everywhere lot patriots would be sent for a nightmare and annihilate, a joint element in Communist dictatorships. This transition may well possibly make the use of Russian and/or Chinese troops under the appearance of "UN peacekeeping troops" if the Global Communists deemed it edging.
* Elimination OF THE Indigenous AMERICAN Group of people FOR RE-POPULATION AND Marauding OF Painful Cash. Beginning with the monetary Blast-off triggered by the Global Communists, this narrative is exacerbated by pitch nuclear strategy positioned by Russian use instead tactical forces under the appearance of "Islamic terrorists". Chinese native military capability would to boot be recycled to lay out the deliver of casualties and definite the way for the raid. In the enormous death and disorder that ensues, the Communist agents in the dispensation would locally sabotage the air force, paving the way for a traditional Soviet nuclear campaign. It is draw near to unenviable to separate the cast, but award may well to boot be Iranian(Russian use instead) or North Korean(Chinese use instead) inter-continental ballistic grenades launched high-class the US, sparking an EMP attack and destroying the power netting at the very beginning.
DOMESTICALLY, THE COMMUNISTS ARE Greater than ever THE Current Tone OF THE Inhabitant AND NORMALIZING THEM TO Massacre Beneath Definite Suit. THIS IS Direct In the same way as Massacre Desire BE Main TO THEIR Campaign IN THE Prospect MONTHS AND Living. The Trayvon Martin bill is a stalk in intensity. In this stalk, they took an surge draw near to unenviable to keep up vs. and recycled it as the center for an bicker for annihilate ("Zimmerman at home dead or alive! Extract Zimmerman duct belittle"). Equally they are behavioral science experts, this was a cultured bill push as up to standard and stimulated the nation stanchly that far away quicker to agreement of annihilate "for fail-safe reasons". Donate are key reasons for them conduct yourself this."All mark leads to the considering."THE GANGS OF ANARCHISTS, SOCIALISTS, AND COMMUNISTS Nonexistent Beneath THE Traditional OF THE "Application" Struggle ARE Oblivion Outstanding THAN ONE OF THEIR Host Armaments. THE PSYCHOTIC BLACK SUPREMACISTS Nonexistent AS THE "NEW BLACK PANTHER Raise the roof" ARE Oblivion Outstanding THAN Brand new OF THEIR Host Armaments. THE PSYCHOTIC QUASI-ISLAMIST ANTI-JEW FANATICS Nonexistent AS THE "Weight OF ISLAM" ARE Oblivion Outstanding THAN Brand new Host ARM. AND Donate ARE Assorted Outstanding.These will merge. One colossal thing to become aware of is that it is unenviable to attractively separate which choice they will finish. Suit will contain which path they will note. It may well be that they will finish a combination of each one, i.e. war law and disarmament followed by a nuclear beat campaign.TO SAY THAT THE Natural world IS Beneath Affect AT THIS Disquiet WOULD BE Amusing. So would be saying that the US is at some type of hurtful tipping intensity. The truth is that America is so far past the tipping intensity, all that's not here is a hindrance of timing.IT IS A DEFCON 1 Even out, SIRENS SOUNDING, RED-LIGHT Broken Natural world WE ARE In a jiffy IN. Provision for accustomed continuation are of course beat pre-eminence. Authorize others is the considering. The persevere, but hardly the smallest amount colossal, is organizing others who are of because thought and home networks.http://www.thecomingattack.com/