Note: some of the holidays are different depending on which side of the equator you are on.
* 6: New moon
* 11: Veteran's Day
* 16: Night of Hekate
* 21: Full moon - Mourning Moon
* 25: Thanksgiving day (United States)
* 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia (The night of the crossroads.)
* 5: New moon
* 17: Beginning of Saturnalia
* 20 - 21: Full Lunar Eclipse
* 21: Full moon - Big Winter Moon
* 21: Winter Solstice or Yule
* 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)
* 25: Christmas Day
* 25: Feast of Frau Holle, Germanic goddess
* 31: Festival of Hogmanay
* 2: Advent of Isis
* 3: Festival of Pax the Roman goddess of peace.
* 4: New moon
* 5: Festival of Lares Compitales - Roman guardian deities of crossroads.
* 5: Twelfth Night
* 6: Festival of Kore
* 7: Feast of Sekhmet, the Egyptian New Year's Day.
* 7: Epiphany
* 7: Distaff Day
* 8: Midwives' Day
* 9: The Agonium, festival of Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors, beginnings and endings.
* 10: Plough Monday
* 11 and 15: The Carmentalia, festival of Carmenta, the Roman goddess of childbirth
* 16: Festival of Concordia, the Roman goddess of harmonious relations
* 17: Good Luck Day, the festival of Felicitas, the Roman goddess of good luck
* 19: Full moon - Wolf Moon
* 24: Feriae Sementivae - blessing the seeds
* 25: Up Helly Aa - Scottish Viking celebration
* 25: St Paul\'s Day
* 30 - Feb. 2: Roman celebration of Februalia
* 31: Disfest/Disablot
* 1: Festival of Brigit, the Celtic goddess of healing, fertility, and patroness of smiths.
* 2: Imbolc - the Celtic festival marking the period of lactation of the ewes.
* 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere)
* 2: Candlemas
* 3: New Moon
* 3: Setsubun, celebration - Japan
* 4: Disting - The Charming of the Plow
* 5 thru 17: Fornacalia - The Day of the Ovens
* 12: Festival of Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt
* 13-21: The Parentalis - festival to honor the spirits of the ancestors.
* 14: Valentine\'s Day
* 15: Lupercalia - the festival of Lupercus, the Roman god of flocks and fertility.
* 17: Festival of Quirinus, god of war, storms and thunder.
* 18: Full moon -- Quickening Moon
* 21: Feralia - an ancient Roman Day of the Dead
* 22: Caristia - Roman holiday of family reunions
* 23: Festival of Terminus, the Roman god of boundaries and border markers.
* 24: Flight of the King - Regifugium
* 28: The epic poem, Kalevala, is celebrated by the Finns with parades and readings from the poem.
MARCH 2011
* 1: Matronalia, the Festival of Women
* 1: New Year's Day in the old Roman calendar.
* 1: Saint David\'s Day
* 2: Holy Wells Day, the day of Ceadda, the Celtic goddess of healing springs and holy wells.
* 4: New moon
* 8: Pancake Day
* 9: Ash Wednesday
* 12: Marduk\'s Feast Day
* 14: Feriae Marti - Festival of Mars
* 16 - 17 : Bacchanalia - The festival of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine
* 17: Liberalia, the festival of Liber and Libera, a Roman fertility god and goddess
* 17: St Patrick\'s Day
* 19 - 23: The Mivervalia and Quinquatria, main festivals of Minerva, the Roman goddess of war, wisdom arts and trades.
* 19: Full moon Crow Moon
* 19: Ides of March
* 19: Festival of Anna Perenna, the Roman goddess of the circle of the year.
* 20: Ostara - Vernal Equinox
* 20: Festival of Isis
* 20: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere)
* 21: Festival of Salii
* 22: Hilaria
* 30: The Festival of Salus, the Roman goddess of public safety and welfare.
* 31: Festival of Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon.
APRIL 2011
* 1: April Fool's Day / Loki's Day
* 1: The Veneralia, the festival of Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
* 3: New moon
* 5: Lady Luck Day, the festival Fortuna, the goddess of good fortune
* 6: National Tartan Day
* 8: Hana-Matsuri, the festival of Shaka, the Silent Sage from Japanese Buddhism.
* 9: The Lumeria, the festival in honor of the Lemures, the spirits of dead family members who wander the earth on these three spring nights.
* 12 - 19: Ludi Cereales
* 15: Fordicia, the festival of Tellus, the Roman earth goddess
* 16: The feast day of St. Bernadette.
* 18: Full moon -- Wind Moon
* 19: Festival of Ceres, a Roman corn goddess.
* 21: Palilia (Parilia), the festival of Pales, the Roman goddess of sheperds and flocks. This is also the legendary founding date of Rome.
* 22: Earth Day
* 22: Good Friday
* 23: St George's Day
* 24: Easter Sunday
* 25: The Robigalia, the festival of Robigus, a Roman corn god.
* 28 - May 1 The Floralia, the festival of Flora, Roman goddess of fruitfulness and flowers.
* 30: May Day Eve - Walpurgisnacht
* 30: Beltine, on this Caileach Beara, a Celtic goddess, turns to stone. She is reborn on October 31, Samhain.
MAY 2011
* 1: Beltane - Mayday
* 1: The day of Saint Walburga (8th century AD).
* 1: Festival of Belenus, the Celtic god of fire and the sun.
* 1: Samhain (Southern Hemisphere)
* 1: Bona Dea
* 3: New moon
* 5: Cinco de Mayo
* 8: The festival of Mens, the Roman goddess of mind and consciousness.
* 9: Mother's Day
* 9, 11, 13: Roman festival - Feast of the Lemures
* 15: Festival of Mercury, the Roman god of merchants and travellers.
* 17: Full moon -- Hare\'s Moon
* 21: Vediovis Day
* 25: Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer - Gypsy festival and pilgrimage
* 26: Memorial Day - Einherjar Day
* 27: Frigga Blot
JUNE 2011
* 1: New moon
* 1; The festival of Carna, the Roman goddess of bodily organs.
* 3: The festival of Bellona the Roman goddess of war.
* 9: Festival of Vesta, the Roman goddess of the hearth.
* 15: Full moon -- Honey Moon
* 11: Festival of Mater Matuta, old Italian goddess of the dawn.
* 11: Lunar eclipse - total
* 20: Father\'s Day
* 21: Summer Solstice - Litha
* 21: Yule (Southern Hemisphere)
* 23: Day of Bad Omens
* 24: The festival of Fata, the Roman goddesses of fate and chance.
* 24: Saint John's Day.
JULY 2011
* 1: New moon
* 3 thru Aug 11: Dog Days of Summer
* 4: Independence Day
* 5: Poplifugia
* 7: Nonae Caprotinae ("the nones of the wild fig"), the second festival of Juno, the chief Roman goddess.
* 9: Day of Un the Wise Person
* 15: Full moon - Buck Moon
* 18: Day of Bad Omens
* 19: Lucaria
* 22: Feast of Mary Magdalene
* 23: Neptunalia - the festival of Neptune, the Roman god of the sea.
* 25: Furinalia
* 30: New moon
* 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh
* 1: Festival of Lug, the Celtic hero god.
* 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere)
* 9: Festival of Sol Indigis, the Roman sun god.
* 13: The Vertumnalia, the festival of Vertumnus, the Roman god of seasons, gardens and orchards.
* 13: Day of Hecate
* 13: Full Moon -- Corn Moon
* 15: Festival of Torches - Nemoralia
* 17: The Portunalia, the festival of Portunes, the Roman god of gates, doors and harbours. At this festival, people would throw keys into the fire in order to bless them.
* 19: The Vinalia, the festival of Jupiter, the chief Roman god.
* 21: Festival of Consus, the Roman god of good council.
* 23: Freyfaxi
* 23: The Volcanalia, the festival of Vulcan, the Roman god of fire.
* 25: The Opiconsivia, the harvest festival of Ops, the Roman goddess of harvest.
* 27: Volternalia
* 29: New Moon
* 1: Septimontium
* 5: Labor Day
* 12: Full Moon --Harvest Moon
* Chinese Moon Festival -The Festival of Chang O, on the full moon nearest the autumnal equinox, the Chinese people pay homage to the moon goddess Chang O. Some Chinese celebrate this day as the moon's birthday.
* 19: The Fast of Thoth, this day-long fast honors the Egyptian god of wisdom and magic.
* 21: International Day of Peace
* 21: The feast of the Divine Life, this ancient Egyptian feast honored the great goddess in her three-fold aspect as mother (creator), daughter (renewer), and dark mother (the absolute).
* 23: Fall Equinox or Mabon
* 23: Michaelmas
* 23: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere)
* 27: New Moon
* 1: Festival of Fides, the Roman goddess of good faith, honesty and oaths.
* 3: The festival of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and revelry, also known as Bacchus to the Romans.
* 4: Feast of Ceres
* 6: Day of Bad Omens
* 9: The festival of Felicitas, the Roman goddess of good luck and joy.
* 11: Winter Nights - Sacred to Freya
* 11: The Meditrinalia, the festival of Meditrina, the Roman goddess of healing.
* 12: Full moon -- Blood Moon
* 12: The festival of Fortuna Redux, the Roman goddess of successful journeys and safe returns from those journeys.
* 13: The festival of Fontus, the Roman god of springs.
* 19: The Armilustrium, the second festival of Mars, the Roman god of war. On this day, military arms were ritually purified and put in storage for winter.
* 26: New Moon
* 31: Halloween
* Oct 31 - Nov 1 Samhain, the Celtic festival marking the beginning of the winter and the Celtic New Year. Also the rebirth of Caileach Beara, the Celtic goddess who turned to stone on May 1 (Beltane).
* 1: Samhain
* 1: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)
* 2: Festival of Woden
* 5: Bonfire Night
* 10: Full moon -- Mourning Moon
* 11: Veteran's Day - Hero's Day
* 11: Lunantishees Day - Celtic Faery Day
* 11: Martinmas
* 13: Epulum Jovis
* 15: Feronia Festival
* 16: Night of Hekate
* 24: Brumalia
* 24: The feast of Baba Yaga. On the full moon of November, the supreme crone goddess of old Russia is honored with a feast day. Once honored as an important old goddess, she is now often portrayed as a wicked old witch.
* 24: Thanksgiving day (United States)
* 25: New Moon
* 27: Feast of Ullr
* 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia (The night of the crossroads.)
* 1: The festival of Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea. Poseidon is also the god of rebirth.
* 4: Bona Dea, a Roman fertility goddess
* 5: Faunalia
* 9;: The festival of Ops, the Roman goddess of harvest.
* 10: Full moon - Long Nights Moon - total Lunar Eclipse
* 11: Agonalia
* 13: The Sementivae, the second festival of Tellus, the Roman earth goddess.
* 15: The second festival of Consus, the Roman god of good council.
* 17: Beginning of Saturnalia - festival of Saturn, the Roman god of agriculture. The most popular Roman festival, for on this day the roles of master and slave were reverted.
* 18: Eponalia
* 20: Mother Night
* 21: Winter Solstice.
* 21: Divalia - Angeronalia, festival of Angerona, the Roman goddess of secrecy.
* 22: Winter Solstice or Yule
* 22: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)
* 23: The Larentalia (Larentinalia), festival of Acca Larentia the Roman goddess who gave the early Romans their land.
* 24: New Moon
* 25: Christmas Day
* 25: The birthday of Mithra, the Persian god of light and wisdom.
* 25: Festival of the Invincible Sun God
* 25: Feast of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess
* 26: Boxing Day
* 31: Festival of Hogmanay
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