
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ar Ndraiocht Fein

Ar Ndraiocht Fein Cover Robert Larson, a priest ordained in the Carleton Grove in 1963 or 1964, relocated to Berkeley, California about 1966, and eventually encountered Isaac Bonewits there. Together they founded a small congregation with affinities to various Wicca groups and to various practitioners of Ceremonial Magic (or Magick if they were Thelemites). Since then it has had several periods of greater or lesser activity. Currently the most visible offshoot of the RDNA is Ar nDraiocht Fein (“ADF” or “our own druidism” in Irish), with branches present across the United States, in Canada, and some other countries.

The druids or members of ADF often adopt the taxonomy of the organization’s founder which distinguishes their Druidry from the earlier Revivalist movement claiming that its is “Neo-Pagan” while such other groups are “Meso-Pagan” on the analogy of archaeological terminology (i.e., Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic). The distinction seems mainly political and is significant as an attempt of some American druids to separate themselves from the traditional Druidism of Britain and Europe.

ADF’s liturgy is considerably more complex than that of the RDNA, though its roots in the older group are obvious, based on Bonewits’s theories of a common pattern to Indo-European worship.

Downloadable books (free):

Marcus Cordey - Magical Theory And Tradition
Miac - Asatru And Odinism
Marian Green - A Witch Alone
Saint John Of The Cross - Dark Night Of The Soul