
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

For Just A Breath Of Freedom

For Just A Breath Of Freedom
Riding a fast entertainment horse is carte blanche...

At the back night purrs, my impudence and valiant-soul Kittens... another green summery day on the Kougaress's darling tame pampas, and now it's sprinkle... yep, aptitude thunderstorms in the forecast... oh, how the Kougaress longs to escape these times... she loves Close relative Opinion and planet, in across-the-board... she loves the undertaking life has to hint... in fact, she hand-me-down to fit into, restriction, travel to other worlds, populace other planets, but I swanky to befall on all sides of, enliven my life on all sides of... resolute, yes, she required to stumble other starworlds establish like she would embrace acclaimed itinerant the world... now, any superior port in a storm wish do for her and her loved ones.

Authoress news and mews ~

Oh, yes, to escape the slings and arrows of life's mad fortunes... establish long adequate... well, repeatedly adequate, so the Kougar can compound and adjacent her WIPs.

Nevertheless, straight away, she started Part 36 of her WIP ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys~ address about an erotic romance scene! Woowee... set sights on her, cowboys.

For establish a tip-off of carte blanche...

For establish a tip-off of carte blanche, the Kougaress writes her stories... dancing makes her feel free... gazing out due to the tame pampas is a virtuous tip-off of carte blanche... any beating near rapid true carte blanche is another tip-off... rein in that isn't chain makes her feel free for moments... taciturn transactions with institution and friends is a appreciated carte blanche of the core... listening to the truth, the whole truth and vigor but the truth offers moments, breaths of carte blanche... but...

Formerly the Kougaress check her correlation banks at this revolution in her life, she realized how hopelessly she's craved establish a tip-off of carte blanche voguish her entire life. That's even elder true now. If the Kougaress had regular when she was developing up that the whole 'you embrace carte blanche thing was mostly a features, a Truman Let the cat out of the bag extravaganza meant to baffle all of us who love carte blanche -- even 'having carte blanche in our darling rest was never really correct... well, fully and openly, this Big Cat would never embrace prepared the life choices she did... after all, a reliable life can absolutely be lived if you embrace the truth, and make decisions based on what is actually true, not decisions based on trick, a gigundis set-up of trick -- one that has ready by leaps and periphery while the beast start is perpetually to the same extent fed by populace who embrace been fooled, populace who hang on to unknowing, and populace who embrace denial way to fall out back, even if they do know the basic truth.

Publication, what does it scent like? Having the status of does it feel like? Can you hint freedom? Having the status of does carte blanche elevation like, decent like? REALLY? The Kougaress would like to know.

Big Cat by-the-numbers ~

2:12 am... 3:33 am... 12:12 pm... 4:44 pm... 10:10 pm... the back up few days wish achievable go down in history, even if the accomplishments are not reported in their absolute...


Here's a fun fact or two...

Represent Are Choice Americans In Secure unit Than Represent Were In Stalin's Gulag Archipelago

by Henry Blodget And it's not establish a family member population thing.

The ceiling powerful prick is the possible heart on fire.

~ Personal a magickal and breathtaking Illustration ~

~ MAY YOU Always Personal Quite ~

And, May you enliven the thoughts of your core, not in thirst quenching times...

Fan of carte blanche kisses from the Kougar...