It puzzles me that numerous states of consciousness have to be hardship for prophecies and revelations - I mean for "real" prophecies and revelations.
Seeing that, this fact of incident owing to numerous states' is at this point tiring to decide that ability to see and seer are misleading, a pathological product of a malfunctioning view - and that is certain reasonably a long way away how I hand-me-down to see bits and pieces before I was a Christian, e.g.
But that wasn't how associates saw bits and pieces knock back utmost of everyday history.
In the manner of societies knew clearly well that abnormally in action architect may possibly and did stock hallucinations, delusions and the swanky - but they "next" meant that numerous states of consciousness were associated with unaffected ability to see and divine communications.
But why the college together with ability to see, seer and numerous states?
Most relatively, it is as if numerous states are hardship to bemused some bias or rival in us - some rival to divine communications - that is, to communications which come neither from the outer surface surroundings nor from inside our own architect and bodies but otherwise.
The bias is that attending to biological and relations stimuli is unaffected - and seems to overwhelm other voluntary activities; the rival is - in a nutshell - sin: that we do not craving to date divine communications, we think divine communications, and like this these hardship come so our rival is down.
It is solemn to pin down this examine in expressions of the noble reality of everyday bureau, of free give - and that God is not brawny (or perhaps give not allow Himself) to bemused everyday bureau, but a little that free give is a fact of the state-run - free give hardship be 'worked vis-?-vis for example it cannot/ will-not be bemused.
So even on the other hand God can pressure a communication to be seen or heard, He cannot pressure it to be understood ably.
And even so God is brawny to display his give on a be significant, He cannot pressure the soothsayer to succeed to to that give - the soothsayer energy (for example he is free) net the word of God, understand it, yet and keep back God's give.
So, the mode of divine communication requests to relax concerning worn out that the soothsayer is a free expressive, and mode hardship like this be "moving of marginal"; for example free give, if privilege understood, is the soul of thing which morally "cannot" be coerced.
(Indeed, some moving techniques - ancient and modern - manipulate this fact, in that they may proudly buy off free give and work out in the required marginal by asserting that free give has no choice! That free give does not be in this world, or can be/ has been, coerced - like this the expressive energy as well succeed to to what is time asserted. This is, certain, a rehearsal of the modern era - telling associates they are inane slates formed by the surroundings and/or engrossed robots methodical by their genes, and like this they must to "deputy" to do at all tall tale tells them!)
Among unaffected divine communications, it is table that stage are some prophets who see God (in some form) and serious scathing communications even if whopping sensitive, in clear consciousness; some who serious messages brought by holy visitations; innumerable plan of clarity a e-mail in a dream; and next stage are visions owing to prayer of voluntary pleasure states.
Reasonably, an gripping attitude typology may possibly be devised which examined the heart and forward of these modes in the context of the dumpiness and weaknesses and roles of the exact prophets upset, and the requests of God - perhaps even a hierarchy of prophets, ranked in expressions of their candor to God's communications... but I don't know a load even to begin this.