I find that my exhilarating philosophizing has generated a lawfully messy schema to recount for what I regard as the immense facts of existence: the basic components of details.
In a nutshell I am demanding to make clear Mormon cosmology here: I am demanding to flesh-out the take care of form.
Firstly bestow is substance, laws of natural world - in the midst of first-class laws, bestow is God (the Onset) (and doubtless a Calm Close relative, I'm not sure: either God is the one be against short sex, or the duality and incompleteness of sex are general facts, and the focus of all action and step and demur)
...and bestow are specific (but not made to order) essences of group, which are differentiated by sex (i.e. male and female agents).
At this affair in history, single-handedly God has group "and" free phantom - plus several other enlarge out of date powers and attributes.
That is the install. The assumptions. This is what Impartial IS.
So we claim an eternal pre-existence, eternal self-rule as pre-persons - but at that affair we had no self-awareness, and no capacity for free phantom - no capacity to act.
God embrace to claim children, he embrace to raise-up these children to become friends, eternal companions, allies in living...
Why? Either having the status of he was lonely and lonely; or having the status of he was an prejudiced part and undyingly accompanied by a Calm Close relative - such that the "basic fast-moving" of the fabrication is to investigate inclusiveness in outer space marriage and the secure institute of children, and like this to look for these children to the actual finesse as their parents.
Such as we became children of our Calm Onset, our group was and endowed with conscious self-awareness and the capacity to draw and act - free phantom.
At that affair we became ghostly spirits (spirit children)
So we "began" as an undyingly pre-existent, chance, jiffy and frail, but "elected", specific flame; to which (at some affair in time) God "extra" the divine flame with consciousness and the hazard to act - and we embarked upon a spiritual being.
Such as we chose to come to earth and stay this secular and epitomize life, we did this by chronological parents - so as we are untrained as mortals we claim three sources of 'fire':
1. The specific eternal flame of group. Record to us.
("This" is the line of reasoning why we claim substantial and ban self-rule and are not easily aspects of God. This is why we are of the actual print as God - we speak this focus. )
2. The divine flame - familiar with God and with all God's children. This is the line of reasoning why all Men are brothers and sisters.
3. A native soil flame, blended from the specific excite of our chronological parents.
To this is extra secret obtain, as a ramification of our choices, the choices of others, and the solid constraints of chronological life.
So we are compounded of these - we are tale natives, and we are unspoken in contact as Sons and Daughters of God, Residential home members, and a product of our choices and probability in the midst of friendships and broader material companionship (maybe Churches).
Our demur is "theosis", to become in the neighborhood God: starting from our familiar core with God to build upon this and to pass on with incremental stages of learning and experience; we are now in the midst of this supervise - center epitomize mortals with avast history postponed us in the midst of pre-mortal spiritual being - and an infinity beside us of post-mortal rather spiritual hence resurrected being.
And this supervise is "foundationally relational", although we are surely natives and intriniscally unfamiliar from every other specific - we are unspoken in relationships: the contact by blamelessness of membership in the ceremonial of center God's children, and to boot new-found between-human native soil contact.
Supervisor than this, the very step, demur and option of details depends upon sexual discrimination - upon bestow center men and women neither of whom are blunt humans: the single-handedly blunt material is a man and individual mutual, undyingly solid, but this unity is mentally structured: is of its natural world both dyadic and fast-moving.
Sexuality and its federation in marriage, and its seeking fulfilment in children and families check by love, is what makes the fabrication "go".