A werewolf was, and strangely enough still is in some cultures (*cough* Haiti *cough*), something you'd call someone who you didn't like thought was trying to wrong you. For example, you don't like your neighbor Sheamus; so one day when you find that your prized pig has been eaten by a wolf (a real wolf), you start telling people that hairy old uni-browed Sheamus became a wolf and ate your pig. That's another thing that we find peculiar about werewolf lore; many cultures believed that werewolves had certain characteristics when in human form (uni-brows, sloped shoulders, dragging gait) that sound a lot like those of people who would've been social outcasts at the time. So calling someone a werewolf was just like blaming the local wino for vandalizing your home. Strangely enough, and we kind of blame this on Twilight (*squints eye, shakes fist, bites head off "Jacob" doll*), some people still believe in werewolves, so we're going to give you a few "werewolf facts" anyway.
It's commonly believed that one only becomes a werewolf if one is bitten, or scratched deep enough by a werewolf (although some cultures believed that you became one through an allegiance to Satando you capitalize "Satan"? We guess it's a proper title right?). After this contact, you will become a werewolf on every full moon and during these times will have no control over yourself and will act like a wild wolf would. A werewolf can be killed with something silver (bullet, knife, stick etc), or in some cases, by removing its heart. Some cultures further believe that you can tell a regular wolf from a werewolf by the werewolf's lack of a tail (the same cultures believe that werewolves run on three legs and stick the fourth straight back to give the appearance of a tail). So, that's about the long and short of it folks, werewolves are almost definitely not real, but just to be safe, don't pet any stray dogs next time there's a full moonor trust anyone with one eyebrow.
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