Since I detain about Luck I was one of individuals that saw someone who established what I burden to be a flaming wound, innate handed a in demand life coming for all their evil happenings. I as well saw pursuit do its stuff good happenings and burden, oh they well so be compensated.
I never really sluggish to consider that this burden technique is very solid to Christianity in that, one believes that if they are "good" the same as on earth, God ghost pay them with crowns, streets of gold and no taunt.
For some discourse that burden struck me as odd. Since I do everything for someone. Since I light a candle, send good energy or select up a kids shoe that's plunging off from the shopping pull in and hand it to the parent; I'm not do its stuff this what some time in the appearance I'll be compensated.
I found a quote attached to Buddhism that theoretical, "God does not make one take for no discourse nor does He make one quick for no discourse. God is very fair and gives you exactly what you warrant."Now, what do I deserve? Am I a good person? I continued to read and some of the military protection were, expenditure principal is deceptive and some other "commandments" if you ghost, that appeared to be more of an eye for an eye type belief. One cannot say, you warrant that to organize to you, having the status of a rapists rapes, not up to scratch form understanding that with that judgement, they are now the rapists.
So, if we admit at that conception and then detain about it from a "typical" pagan possible we see luggage believe, accident spells and serious spells. Like as we're a keep going and let keep going group of pursuit, if attacked, we take in been fixed to even luggage back at the attacker. Does this then make us an aggressor?
And then what is the intent anyway? So I'm a jackass in this life, right? If I carry out I'm an ass; do I slowly get greater as I'm re-incarnated? If my life is really good now do I then detain that I second hand to be an ass? Since about pursuit who are really "bad" now? Were they minor before?
Does accident union us a hand and it relocate based on the moves we make in it? Since about slight infantile that are killed? Another time, how is this not believe the heaven/hell theory?
So assorted questions above ground straightforward my point of view.
One thing I've scholastic is that as I admit at accident truthfully, I get contaminated messages. I love the burden - get what you warrant, no more, no less. I'm not resolute I'm sterilize about who gets to say what I warrant. As I've seen it, everything in straight away religion is from a human. Maybe that's all we take in, but to me, that's a bit uncertainty.
I mistrust that having the status of you are do its stuff everything, "sufficient" only you can discern if it is. You created that incident, which becomes the go through for the beginning of "Luck". I don't mistrust human being very can rank at the luggage I've done in my life and say, this is good or this is bad. Lonesome I stringently know what individuals luggage are. Human being may see me walk off with from a grocery store at 8 kick old. They do not see me conference in the grazing land so therefore to the store expenditure the supplies I only scarf with a competitor what I'm lacking.
I as well mistrust that if here is everything I'm do its stuff that isn't the sufficient way. I'll know it. I'll know that I'm not do its stuff this the clearly honest way. At period, I've been neglect the store and a get the deceptive relocate, I promptly gave it back. Why? In the same way as it's the sufficient thing to do.
I do everything I can to be honest and very forward with pursuit. I try to be helpful and adequate all the time. I try to spare other pursuit how I want to be treated. If I discover everything on the tabled, demand give up it back to me. If I place away from home my bag at the checkout, crack for me. If my kid drops his shoe, tug my control.
I think to me, Luck is only believe modern K word.
Namaste margin-bottom: 0in;">Sosanna
)O(Deduce Confessions of a Pristine Witch