
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pagan Calendar Of Days For 2010

Pagan Calendar Of Days For 2010 Cover
Here is a quick list of pagan, magical, and other holidays for November 2009 through December 2010. You will notice that some of the holidays are different depending on which side of the equator you are on.


* 2: Full moon -- Mourning Moon
* 16: New moon
* 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia (The Night of the Crossroads)


* 2: Full moon --Long Nights Moon
* 16: New moon
* 17: Beginning of Saturnalia
* 21: Winter Solstice or Yule
* 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)
* 25: Christmas Day
* 25: Feast of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess
* 31: Full moon -- Blue Moon
* 31: Partial lunar eclipse
* 31: Festival of Hogmanay


* 15: New moon
* 27: Up Helly Aa celebration, Shetland Islands, Scotland
* 30: Full moon -- Wolf Moon
* 30 - Feb. 2: Roman celebration of Februalia


* 2: Imbolc
* 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere)
* 3: Setsubun, celebration - Japan
* 13: New moon
* 14: Valentine's Day
* 15: Lupercalia
* 28: Full moon -- Quickening Moon

MARCH 2010

* 1: Matronalia, the Festival of Women
* 14: New moon
* 20: Ostara
* 20: Mabon (Southern Hemisphere)
* 29: Full moon Crow Moon

APRIL 2010

* 6: National Tartan Day
* 14: New moon
* 22: Earth Day
* 28: Full moon -- Wind Moon
* 30: Walpurgisnacht

MAY 2010

* 1: Beltane
* 1: Samhain (Southern Hemisphere)
* 5: Cinco de Mayo
* 9: Mother's Day
* 9, 11, 13: Roman festival - Feast of the Lemures
* 13: New moon
* 27: Full moon -- Hare's Moon

JUNE 2010

* 12: New moon
* 20: Father's Day
* 21: Litha
* 21: Yule (Southern Hemisphere)
* 26: Full moon -- Honey Moon

JULY 2010

* 4: Independence Day
* 11: New moon
* 11: Solar eclipse
* 25: Full moon -- Blessing Moon


* 1: Lammas or Lughnasadh
* 1: Imbolc (Southern Hemisphere)
* 9: New moon
* 24: Full Moon -- Corn Moon


* 8: New moon
* 21: International Day of Peace
* 22: Fall Equinox or Mabon
* 22: Chinese Moon Festival
* 22: Ostara (Southern Hemisphere)
* 23: Full Moon -- Harvest Moon


* 7: New moon
* 22: Full moon -- Blood Moon
* 31: Samhain
* 31: Beltane (Southern Hemisphere)


* 6: New moon
* 11: Veteran's Day
* 21: Full moon -- Mourning Moon
* 25: Thanksgiving day (United States)
* 30: Festival of Hecate Trivia (The night of the crossroads.)


* 5: New moon
* 17: Beginning of Saturnalia
* 21: Full moon -- Long Nights Moon
* 21: Winter Solstice or Yule
* 21: Litha (Southern Hemisphere)
* 25: Christmas Day
* 25: Feast of Frau Halle, Germanic goddess
* 31: Festival of Hogmanay

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